Chapter 16 : Phase Two Activated... What?!

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The days at camp was spent training and the demigods were feeling that the tension was increasing little by little. Honestly they were tired that the war didn't happen already and they never had any idea on who the enemy was either.

The councellors of Camp Half-blood and the praetors and centurions of Camp Jupiter gathered together at Camp Half-blood once every two weeks to discuss about the war. They had no lead either. There sure was less monster activity than usual. But there seemed to be more trouble in the west. Hazel and children of Hecate had scouted the are around Mount Othyrs to find nothing. Chiron was calling in favours from even the party ponies out of desperation. Mr. D was spending more time on Olympus and Zeus didn't seem to have a problem against it.

Among all of this summer was coming to an end and campers were leaving to go home though more had decided to stay for protection. And the campers who left had informed that they will come back for winter unlike other years.


Lacie was trying her hardest to see what was going on with Lou to no avail. It seemed to her that he was avoiding her more than anything. She was still debating on wether she should inform someone about it.

She and Lou seemed to be drifting further away. As they were twins and according to popular belief normally there should be conflicts and constant fights between them she and Lou was never like that. They were very united and were always together. So it hurt her when he drifted apart. She decided to tell someone if problems persisted further. And she would find out.


Lou looked at himself in the mirror. Well... he couldn't call himself Lou either.

'What a weird name? Mortals and their names nowadays.'

He thought to himself. Of course he wasn't fully inside the demigod. Not like Kronos with that boy. 'Who was he? Logan? No Lucas? L- Ah! Luke!' He thought inside his head again. He had to prepare for the war. Unlike the Gaia and Kronos he didn't rely on othe people to do his job. If they could be accounted as people. How ignorant demigods, mortals and gods were. They couldn't figure anything out. And the threat was right in front of their eyes.

He had been planning this from long time and he didn't intend on loosing. He had made a solid plan. Everything would go on properly and he would win only if things worked out as he planned. Yes. He would succeed. He would end the reign of the gods. He only needed one more tool and then after than no one could stop him.

He had never revealed himself for thousands of years. He was patient. Maybe even more than Gaia herself. Gaia was of course was one of the most patient deities but even she had a limit. She couldn't bear it when the earth was destroyed by mortals. It only increased after Pan disappeared and worsened after he faded. And the new member of the cloven elders Grover Underwood could only do so much. Of course Gaia would be frustrated. And along with the world her sanity also withered. But he was more patient as he wasn't efected by mortal problems. He wasn't even seen in the outer world as he resided mostly in Tartarus. But he had control over the world. No one knew how, but he did. And it would all be soon revealed.

He looked back at the mirror. He had drifted off I thoughts that he almost forgot what he came here for. He looked at Lou (or himself). More specifically his eyes. The corners of the boy's normally brown eyes were turning black. A sign that he should act fast. It was only a matter of time until the boy dissolved. A mortal could only hold the essence of an immortal so long. He had chosen the boy after close inspection and couldn't afford to risk another. Yes. It wouldn't matter if the plan is taken into action a little ahead of time. After all why not take the world into control sooner than later?


Annabeth rarely stopped researching recently. She had to find as much information as possible. Which was kind of impossible when there wasn't even a single lead that she could follow.

She rubbed her eyes which were bloodshot and she also had bags under her eyes. Percy had forcefully dragged her out of the library and into her cabin and didn't leave until she promised that she would sleep.

She needed sleep. She knew that. But she couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen. She was feeling a lot tired recently and she seemed to have a lot of negative thoughts as if someone was muttering stuff inside her head. And she couldn't put much thought into it as she was busy. And she was tired a lot even now.

As if on cue she yawned and she -even of she for some reason was regretting it- finally decided to take Percy's advice and fell into the bed and immediately fell asleep.

No one could've guessed what happened next. Because it was inevitable and was going to happen sooner or later.

'Phase two activated.'


Word count: 893

Date published: 29/07/2019

And done! I was supposed to write this on Friday but I couldn't. Sorry about that. Either way I hope you enjoyed it.

So... any idea now about who the enemy is?

Tell me what you think about what happened in this chapter and about what you think might happen.

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Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!


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