Chapter 20 : Lies and Love

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If she had known what would happen Lacie would never would have gone to search for Lou that morning... As she woke up seated on the ground with her hands tied to a pole she couldn't help but remember what happened.


Lacie went to breakfast to the dining pavilion to find Lou missing. She quickly had breakfast and went to look for him. She was on her way to the edge of the woods when she saw Percy running away from the woods towards the cabins. She being curious went to explore.

Whatever she thought she'd find, she was not expecting to find Lou making out with Annabeth. She could understand why Percy ran away. But she couldn't understand why this was happening.

"Lou?" She approached the two. They stopped and simultaneously turned to her.

She gasped. Their eyes were glowing a very dark black and they both let out an evil laugh. They were at the Zeus's Fist and in it's shadow they both looked like demons.

She started to step back and was about to make a run for it only to find that she couldn't move. She was still in the shadow of the trees and she could almost feel them creeping up on her stopping her from moving.
The last thing she heard was the being's evil laughter before she blacked out.


It had been a while since she had woken up and she saw no one else other than a few monsters who were on guard duty. She wondered where she was. She occasionally heard the wailing of who she assumed was a man. And there seemed to be some kind if fog... with a gasp she realized it must be the Mist with the way it sometimes altered what she saw. She waited for who knows how long when finally Lou and Annabeth approached her.

"Hello Lacie!" It was Lou who spoke but the voice wasn't his. The voice felt ancient and hearing it was enough to make goosebumps rise up on her arms. And suddenly the atmosphere seemed colder and more menacing. She couldn't find her voice.

Lou or whoever was who had possessed him knelt down infront if her. His eyes were complete black and seemed to drag her in. To a void of nothingness.

"It's you..." She finally realized. "You were the shadow behind us. In the past..."

"Ah! Of course you would know. You were at the crossroads." The being sighed. "Honestly, I didn't think that you'd survive. Most people go insane when met with a crossroad."

"What have you done to Lou and Annabeth?!" She was terrified but she couldn't let him know that. Specially when his brother and friend were helpless.

"Don't worry! Their minds are just taking a quick break. Hopefully they will survive."
He stood back up and stared her down.
"However... I do have a proposition for you."


Percy didn't know what he felt. He stood there knelt in shallow water and he let the water seep into his clothes. He couldn't concentrate enough to even keep himself dry; not with his mind being a jumbled mess. He felt betrayed... but there was something else nagging in the back of his mind... something that made him think that Annabeth would never do what she did. The only thing he ever wanted was to have a normal life, as normal as it could get with him being a demigod. But the fates never seem to like that. He barely even felt the tears that rolled down his cheeks constantly as he stared down at his hands... and yet not seeing at all. His heart ached and so did his whole body due to fatigue. The water doing nothing to completely sooth him.

He barely felt the presence that appeared a few feet infront of him. The smell of the ocean overwhelming his senses. And he barely even see him when the person knelt down infront of him. But he did feel it when the person drew him close to his body and put his arms around him enveloping him in a warm embrace full of love and care. And for once in his life he let himself be completely vulnerable infront of another person that wasn't his mother or Annabeth and let all of his worries and problems wash away as he cried into his shoulder. And for the first time in his life he felt the love of a father.


Word count: 745

Date published: 25/04/2020

I teared up when writing the last paragraph...

Hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this chapter... Actually I already wrote almost all of the first part two days back, but I couldn't complete it. Not a very long chapter... but again hope y'all enjoy it!

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Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!

-CPR 🎶-

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