Chapter 14 : The Beginning of The End

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The day went normally as usual. I woke up had a wash and brushed my teeth and changed into the usual jeans and orange CHB t-shirt.

They had celebrated Percy's birthday recently. It had seemed like a big deal for the whole camp. And... I was sure that it was. I didn't know the exact details. But I did know that he was in two wars. The first in which he was the hero and the second one of the seven. And the fact that he fell into literal hell for his girlfriend, was enough to get anyone's approval and respect.

Right now I was sitting at the Hermes table with the other campers eating breakfast. The cabin was quite crowded, but according to others it was worse before. And there were a few undetermined campers too. And gladly there were two tables. He sat at the one in the back with Lacie and the new campers.

Breakfast was over soon and one camper was claimed as a daughter of Hecate. And we all went to the lava wall for the first training session.


By the time it was lunch I was dead exhausted. I mean we climbed the lava wall thrice. Me nearly burning my hair off in the first try. And then archery practice with the Apollo and Nike cabins. The Apollo campers were competitive enough when it comes to archery, but when you put in Nike campers... I'm shuddering at the simple though of it. The Apollo cabin counsellor Will was nice though.

Well at least we have arts and crafts next. I thought. There wasn't much hard work to do in that session. But still I couldn't shake of the weird feeling that something was watching me and that I was more tired than usual. But I brushed it off and kept in mind to go meet one of the healers later.


The last class of the day was sword fighting. Percy was always very patient and helpful. He understood the strengths and weaknesses of every one of his students and gave tips on how to improve their technique.

"Okay! Now I teach sword fighting, but it's essential that everyone has at least a general idea about every weapon. And today I thought it'll be good for you to try out a new weapon."
Percy called out when he came to the arena.
"So I've called Clarisse here to teach you how to fight with a spear."

"This better be worth it punk." Clarrise told Percy as soon as she came inside.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever Clarrise." And they both laughed

It was surprising to see them laugh like that. The rumour that Clarrise has tried to give Percy a swirly the first time he came to camp was apparently true. And it just proves now, how strong their friendship has become. Despite the constant retorts.

Immediately after that we were sent over to the weapons rack to pick up a spear. As I came back with one that felt good in my hands, I smiled at Percy to show my gratitude. I think he knew that the sword wasn't exactly the weapon for me, and the spear already seemed better suiting. As if sensing my thoughts he smiled back and nodded.

The session turned out better than I thought it would. And I was definitely better with a spear than with a sword. I was able to beat Lacie in a fight. Like she did when we were fighting with a sword. And while we were practicing, Percy and Clarrise were fighting themselves. Which was mesmerizing to watch. Clarrise won of course but Percy managed to put up a good fight considering that it was his first time using the spear. And they exchanged pointers.

Towards the end Annabeth came to the arena and Chris was already there. And after the session was over both the couple's went to wherever they went and we headed to the showers.


The campfire was lead by the Apollo campers as usual. And the flames rose high and burnt a very bright orange reflecting the campers' happy moods. It would've been better if the Aphrodite campers weren't grumpy as they were pranked by the Stolls.
The campfire lasted a long time until Chiron informed of the curfew.

That night I went to sleep with a peaceful mind. And even though I've forgotten to meet with a healer, I didn't care about it. And my mind felt strangely light, airy and peaceful for some reason. As if it was urging me to take a rest. And I finally closed my eyes and succumbed myself to the darkness.

But when I heard the voice it was too late and I had already fallen into it's clutches.

Oh! Never worry Lou. You're going to take a nice wonderful rest. The ending has only begun.


Word count: 812

Date published: 28/06/2019

Hey guys! I finally found time to update. I don't have an excuse for not updating though.

Anyway, who do you think the evil person is?

What happened to Lou?

Sorry to keep y'all waiting and I hope y'all enjoy.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!


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