Chapter 4 : "Percy's Life" Now in Cinemas

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I came into Percy's room and I didn't see him inside. But I heard sounds coming from inside the bathroom, so I figured that he was in it. I went and sat on the bed. I slept peacefully last night, but I woke up because I was concerned about Lacie, and partly because of the dream I saw during the night. It went something like this....

I was at the movies with mom and Lacie. On the film screen there was -not a movie, but- different scenes of vivid reality. They were all about Percy.

In one I saw him about 12 on a small hill facing a bull- headed man. 

Then he was 13 and was standing on a deck facing a guy of about 17 who had a long scar running down his face.

 Next he was 14 (If you're wondering about how I knew the ages, I honestly don't know myself. I just knew.) So in this he was on some kind of tall mountain with storm clouds over his head, his hands raised up to the sky, his face contorted with pain.

Then he was 15 and was standing atop a volcano with a girl who had blonde curls and grey eyes.

Then he was 16 and I saw him hand a dagger to the boy with the scar who I saw earlier, who stabbed himself with it.

Then I saw Percy again he looked about 17 and he fell down a glacier.

Then I saw him riding into battle on a jet black pegasus, but for some reason his eyes were gold.

Then I saw him standing on a ground which looked like its' surface was covered with shattered black glass -with the same blonde I saw earlier- underneath a blood red sky.

Then I saw him as a drop of blood from his nose fell to the ground emitting a huge boom.

And the dream ended and I had woken up.

Just then the door of the bathroom opened and Percy stepped out fully dressed, a towel in hand as he wiped his wet hair.

"My mom should be up by now, and probably be making breakfast for us. You go on I'll be there in a minute." He said as he sat on a chair and pulled towards him a pair of sneakers, which he started to put on.

I went out of the room closing the door behind me. I had just removed my hand off the door knob when it clicked to me, that what I had seen in my dream must actually be parts from Percy's life.

I walked into the kitchen and heard laughter. There I saw Percy's mom making pancakes and Lacie was there sitting on a chair with her hands on the counter top. She was laughing at something Percy's mom had said.

"Good morning ma'am!" I said as I sat down on a chair next to Lacie.

"Good morning to you too dear!" She answered. "Please call me Sally."

We talked for a little while until Percy joined us. He said that we will be going the camp of demigods in a few hours time. And he went off somewhere. Lacie was still feeling a bit queasy, so she went and laid on the sofa.

I sat around and we talked with Sally, and we were treated to a lot of silly stories about Percy's childhood. It was pretty hilarious really. (I think that Percy's mom Sally and Peter Parker's aunt May are a lot alike. You'll know what I mean if you have watched "The Ultimate Spider-man", the cartoon/animated series. Don't you think?) I laughed a lot more than I ever laughed during the past few weeks.

I felt as if none of the stuff that happened so far ever occurred. But somewhere in the back of my mind I was feeling uneasy, as if everything will crumble anytime soon....


Word count: 602

Date published: 16/12/2018

Oooo Lou's feeling unsure! What do you think will happen?

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