Annoying Author Note

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Hi guys!!!

First of all. Sorry. I was hoping to update yesterday or day before yesterday, but I couldn't because I was helping my parents to clean the house for the new year. Aaand I may or may not have faced a minor writer's block. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Okay, second. I'm starting my first original story called 'Washed at Sea.' I'm publishing the prologue today, so please check it out.

And lastly. Sorry, again. Okay now I'm not christian, but my country is multi rational so there are a lot of christian people in my country and I feel really guilty because yesterday was a special day for them. I really wanted to mention it in my book, but I was so caught up in cleaning the house that I forgot. Sooo tho it's one day late,



Date published: 26/12/2018

Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!



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