Chapter 6 : Battle of the Couple

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Hey guys! So I finally sit in front of my laptop to put together a chapter. Heck I was hoping on updating in the morning. But I got bored so that's why we have an update at 6.30 pm. So much for working on time. Anyway I don't want to take more of your time, soooo enjoy the chapter.



The place was truly remarkable. I couldn't look far enough to take in everything.

And now we were listening to this conversation between Percy and this gloomy looking kid, and I couldn't help but wonder what the heck they were talking about. But hoping to know I followed them with Lou.

We walked towards the barn house type blue building which was in front of us, the big house as Percy told us.

On the porch of the big house with her arms folded was a girl with blond Cinderella curls and stormy grey eyes. I normally don't get intimidated by other people, but as hard as it is for me to admit, I have to say that this girl was scary. So Lou and I halted in our steps. But Percy approached her, his hand in his pocket.

"Oh! this is gonna be fun." The guy from earlier -Nico- said as he casually leaned against a tree.

The blonde walked down the porch and met with Percy. The tension between them was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. If it was me who was under the girls' gaze, I would've apologized for no reason and run off from there as soon as possible. NEVER to return again. But Percy didn't seem to have any problem with it, and he GRINNED!!!! No I'm not lying. It was almost as if he was used to this kind of thing.

"You're one day late." The girl said, deathly calm.

"Whoa! Did the temperature go up by ten degrees? Seriously Wise girl chill. Or you'll explode." Percy said and waved his hand and some of the water from the stream flew up -which surprisingly didn't surprise me- and splashed on the girl dousing her whole.

Almost instantly she lashed out with a sword that came out of nowhere and Percy intercepted it with one of his own. And they started to fight. They slashed, parried and thrusted, neither backing off. It was beautiful to watch and deadly at the same time.

Within minutes the fight ended as the girls' sword clattered out of her grip and Percy had his sword aimed at her throat.

"I win." He exclaimed and he touched a cap of a pen to the sword point and it shrunk back to a pen. I thought 'Ooh! that's where it came from' when he put the pen back in his pocket.

Then he spread his hands and grinned. A mischievous grin that any girl would fall for. The girl ran forward straight into his out stretched hands and he embraced her and they kissed, making the whole crowd that was gathered around them at this point whoop and cheer. They broke apart and the crowd cheered again.

"Move on people. There's nothing to see here." Percy said and all the people went back to do whatever they were doing before they came to watch. Some of them still cheering and laughing. And the girl punched Percy in the arm.

"Ow!" Percy complained.

"No. You could've still told me seaweed brain." The girl said. "Actually.... why were you late?"

"I nearly forgot." Percy said and told her how he found us.

"So this is Lou and Lacie Colins." He said introducing us to the girl.

"Lou, Lacie this is my girlfriend Annabeth daughter of Athena."

"Hi!" She said.

"Hi!" Me and Lou answered back.

"I guess we still have time for the tour." She said and called to two kids walking nearby. "Elizabeth, Terry take Lou and Lacie on the tour, and try to keep them alive till dinner." She said.

I really couldn't say if she meant it as a joke or not.

After I went a couple of feet, I turned back and saw Percy and Annabeth talking with Nico.

They seemed like a nice, cute couple. I silently hoped that no one, not even me or Lou came in between them.


Word count : 633

Date published : 18/12/2018

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