Chapter 10 : How the Hell can it be The Last?

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Summer vacation had begun and more and more campers were coming back to camp. It was literally chaos, and the head counselors could barely control them. The pranks from the Hermes cabin did not help matters. Right now I was coming out of the big house with Annabeth.

Chiron called me to his  office this morning after breakfast. I freaked out because I thought that he had found out that I was the one who put neon pink hair dye in Clarisse's shampoo. I really can't help it. The temptation was too great to resist, and two very confused Stolls were beaten up by the said person. Thank the gods no one knew it was me.

So anyways I went to talk with Chiron, and guess what!

Wait for it


So as soon as I got to know I came to find Annabeth, who was apparently right outside his office. I told her and she squealed. Yes I'm serious. What has this world come to. Next I'll know that Hades loves rainbow coloured unicorns.

We came out and were just about to head to the Arena when I heard someone call out to us. I looked towards the hill in time to see Rachel running towards us. Yes the oracle of Delphi Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Normally she'd come earlier than this, but I guess she had to go home and come. We all know of her hatred towards the Clarion's ladies Academy uniform.(Idk about spellings)

"Hey guys!" She came to stop in front of us panting. "Long time no see." She said and straightened up, her hands on her hips.

Before we could even say Hi she clutched her stomach and grumbled. "Ugh! not now!"

We all knew what that meant so Annabeth went to her side and steadied her and I shouted.

"Code prophecy. Need help ASAP!"

The campers had agreed on that distress call when Rachel would go Oracle mode and they would keep on passing the message until Apollo healers would come and help. The only downside was that every camper would be there to hear the prophecy. Even Hypnos campers, and they never wake up ever, not even if there's an Ares camper yelling right in their face. There was one time when a couple of Aphrodite girls rushed out of the bathroom wrapped in towels, though they were in the middle of having a bath, just to hear a prophecy. I know; it's depressing.

Within a minute there were two Apollo campers on either side of Rachel and a stool was placed behind her for her to sit after telling the prophecy. Annabeth returned to her place beside. Next to the both of us were Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico and Will. The other campers were in different places, but within hearing distance. And we all waited.

As if on cue Rachel doubled over the sound of snakes filling the air, and she stood straight back up. Her eyes glowing green, her face devoid of emotion. She opened her mouth and green fog poured out in the shape of a python gradually making its' way down and it hung around her legs like mist and it split into five parts and spread in front her so that it looked like five pythons ready to strike. Then she spoke. It had a slight echo to them and not all it was like several Rachels were speaking not one. I had heard so many prophecies, yet never became used to it. It still freaked me out like the first time. We all listened intently to what she had to say.

"Darkness arise to put the world in demise,

The hero betrayed shall again prevail,

One choice and Olympus may learn,

The other and may Olympus be purged,

The outcome so clear is now very near."

(I'm horrible at making prophecies guys)

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