Chapter 15: The Completely Useless Crossroads

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I hate spears. It was really not a suitable weapon for me. A sword was definitely better. But still... learning about a new weapon was never going to waste. Specially with a war coming up.

Everyone knew the details of the war council that was held a while back. There wasn't any threat on the horizon yet, but it was still in the back of everyone's mind. It was on days like this when the instructors worked us to the limit that the weight of the knowledge and the dread settled in.

The cabin counsellors tried hard not to show it, but the stress they were feeling was obvious through their actions. Clovis was seen active lately and was rarely seen sleeping. Nico was spending more and more time in the underworld. Will was over working himself in healing injured campers as fast as possible. Pollux, Leo and the Stolls were less pranking and more training. Clarrise was even grumpier than usual. Calypso and Rachel also always seemed busy. And Jason and Piper was almost always having hushed discussions and they were tense. Annabeth was practically living in the Athena cabin library and Percy was seen sword fighting in the arena most of the time.

Today arts and crafts wasn't fun either as it was supposed to be. Also-

And... I'm going off topic. Stupid ADHD. Me and Lou had ADHD also Dyslexia but it was not as prominent.

So... we were practicing with spears today as well. And Lou beat me. Again.

Speaking of Lou, I normally beat him in sword fighting and he in spear fighting. Though it was becoming harder to beat him in sword fighting too. He seems a bit distant lately and he seemed to have gained a lot of strength really fast. I've caught him hiding in different places of camp and talking to himself more than once. He also seemed to be zoning out a lot. And I was worried.

The dream I had last night didn't help any of my worries either.


I stood at a cross roads. Not alone. Lou was standing next to me. There were four paths (Obviously) and four destinations. Except for places I saw images of different scenarios that would happen. I looked around. There was no one else except for the two of us. And Lou didn't seem to notice me. He was looking at his hands and was thinking deeply. I tapped his shoulder and he still didn't respond. Either he didn't feel it or he ignored me.

I looked back to the path behind me. It wasn't an option. It only showed what has already happened in the past. Although there was a slight difference. I saw some kind of a person or a shadow hovering behind me, Lou and even mom. The shadow wasn't there all the time though. Only when each of us was the most angry or when we took a wrong decision...
'Was it influencing them in a way?'

I shuddered. I didn't want to continue that train of thought.

I looked at the other three paths. I knew they were the future. I also knew that the choice was Lou's and mine somehow. Who me and Lou supported. When I saw the right and the left I knew if they took that path the war would go sideways. The only way was front. And it didn't look good either. In the right path the demigods ended up dead and the gods faded, with hell raised on earth. In the left I saw the demigods enslaved by the enemy. In the front I saw the celebration with one demigod missing... The path to that wasn't clear. Nor was the choices but I had to hope we'll take the right decisions.

I looked back at Lou. There was something in his eyes. Uncertainty was one of them. Along with an emotion I didn't quite recognize.

I was about to call him again when I was forced out of the dream.


I didn't realize I had zoned off until Kayla, a 12 year old Hermes camper tugged on my sleeve. I smiled slightly at her before giving her some of my faluda shake. I had requested specifically for my mother's faluda, imagining the flavour while doing so. It wasn't the exact same but was close. And the little girl liked the flavour too. I watched her drink it happily and turned to face my brother. He was glaring at the goblet muttering under his breath. Something about wine? Quickly realizing that I was watching he turned to me and smiled before standing up and going out of the dining pavilion. I wasn't fooled that easily. There was something going on and I was going to find it. I also considered telling Chiron or one of the cabin counsellors or Chris about it, but thought otherwise. They had enough problems as it is. They didn't need to be worried about Lou's and my problems.

That night I had a nightmare. I woke up the next day crying.


Word count: 845

Date published: 12/07/2019

Hey guys! This might not be a really good chapter... But I hope you bear with me. I'll try to improve my writing and I hope the rest of the story will be better.

So... I wanted to ask... What was the nightmare Lacie saw?
This might be easy though. I'll tell of what in the next chapter.

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Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!


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