Chapter 3 : After Everything I end up as Stincky Breath

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The whole day was a blur. I couldn't remember much of it, just random details. There was this huge monster at our heel. And at one point I hit my head somewhere and at one point my knees buckled and Lou had to carry me to the alley. I could see spots dancing in front  of my eyes. And I remember the monster, a glint of bronze and a shower of (golden?) dust, and among it there was a boy. He was who helped me and Lou to his home, and on his doorstep I lost consciousness.

I didn't know for how long I was unconscious, but waking up was hard. It felt as if someone had kept a stack full of sand on my eyelids. My whole body ached, and my throat was burning and sore.

When I was finally able to open my eyes I saw Lou sitting next to me holding my hand. I slowly tried to come into a sitting position. Lou helped me and after a minute or so I was sitting on the bed leaning against the bed post. Seeing Lou had washed away any amount of fear I had inside of me. Also the fact that I was on a comfortable bed, when I should've been rotting in an alley

"How long was I out?" I asked him once I caught my breath.

"16 hours." He said casually. I was horrified


He shrugged casually as if it was no big deal. "That's right. It's 6.00 in the morning you stincky breath." He wrinkled his nose to emphasize the point. I rolled my eyes at him. And suddenly I realized some thing....

"Wait a sec. How come you're up at 6.00" I asked suspiciously.

"I just happened to feel sorry for my baby sister and woke up in the middle of the night." He shrugged again. "Anyway, go brush your teeth and have a wash." He threw me a towel and a tooth brush. "I won't tell you anything until you do so." He said pointing to a door on to my right. Seriously after all we've been through all he cares about is whether I had brushed my teeth or not? I had to suppress my urge to roll my eyes at him again.

I know he's my twin, but sometimes he kind of bosses me around cause he's older than me in like a minute.

"Okay okay momma. Jeez" I snorted and went into the bathroom.

And NO I am not going to describe what happened inside. So forget it.

*****_____A LITTLE TIME SKIP_____*****

I came out of the bathroom dressed in black leggins and a maroon t-shirt. That's when I saw that Lou had had a makeover too. Now he was dressed in a little bit too long blue denim and a green t-shirt.

It was still too early for breakfast, so after I sat down on the bed again Lou started to relate the 'events'(as he liked to put it) that took place while I was unconscious.

So the guy who rescued us was Percy Jackson. I didn't remember much about him, except that he was tan, tall and had black hair.... Thinking back on what Lou said was almost unbelievable.(I was gonna say impossible, but hey! when you live in Percy Jackson's world anything is possible.) A camp for demigods!? For an instant it sounded out of this world. But then again who ever thought that my dad would be a god?...

I was still quite tired so Lou left me in the room and went to the room where he and Percy stayed last night. I leaned on the bed post and drifted off in thought.


Word count: 617

Date published: 15/12/2018

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