Chapter 12 : Serious Meeting=Ping pong table

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The counselors' meeting was going to be held at the big house after breakfast. I still wasn't talking with Jason. I mean he was the one who organized the date but he was also the one who became late. He tried to talk to me but I wasn't gonna mercy him yet. Well I too wanna have some fun. I finished breakfast and came out to head to the big house when Jason ran up from behind.

"Hey! Wait up Pipes! I'm sorry!"

I didn't answer, but stopped for him reach me. He came and stood in front of me trying to make me look at him. "Please! Please!" He pleaded and I looked at him keeping my face stoic of emotion.

"What? You're the one who was late. How will I guarantee that it won't happen again?" I asked. I really didn't mean it, but I so wanted to see his reaction. He sighed and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Look Piper. I'm sorry. I really am. I swear, I won't be late again." He looked flustered. And it was such a small thing, but he was still worried. With the scrunched eyebrows and the pouty lips. He looked cute. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him and I laughed. A small smile graced his lips as I pulled his glasses off and pulled him into a kiss. At first he was shocked and didn't do anything. But almost instantly he melted into the kiss pulling me closer to him.

"I knew you couldn't stay angry with me." He said in between kisses.

"Really? You should've seen your face." I countered.

"You didn't give me any choice did you." He said ending the kiss. "Now let's go to the meeting."

He said and put his hand around my shoulders as I slipped my arm across his back and guided me towards the big house.

We entered the gaming room to find most of the counselors already gathered there already. Clarrise has taken refuge of a chair near the ping pong table along with Chris who was allowed to join even though he wasn't a counselor. Percy, Annabeth and Will were sitting near the stage where Chiron was seated in his wheelchair. The Stoll brothers Leo and Butch were sitting in a corner of the room talking to themselves, probably planning a prank. Katie and Rachel were seated a few feet away from Clovis who was snoring loudly on a seat near the stage on the other side from Percy, Annabeth and Will.

Me and Jason went and took seats next to Rachel. Just as we sat down the shadows darkened around the stage and four people stumbled out waking Clovis and scaring the crap out of him, who screamed like there was no tomorrow.

The four people were Nico, Reyna, Hazel and Frank. Nico silently went and sat next to Will who kissed him in return. Hazel and Frank waved and Reyna nodded at the rest of the seven before taking their seats at the head table because they were guests from Camp Jupiter.

After everyone settled and Nachos and donuts were handed Chiron spoke up.

"As y'all know another great prophecy was issued by Rachel yesterday morning and we have gathered here to talk about it."

"Honestly can't we get enough of these. I thought they were finished with Percy disappearing. But wherever Percy is prophecies follow." Clarrise said or rather joked. Everyone was shocked since we've never seen this side of her before.

"How could you Clarisse! I'm hurt." Percy said feigning he was hurt while clutching his heart making everyone burst out in laughter. Even Chiron was laughing before he controlled himself.

"Okay campers. Back to business. Annabeth would you recite the prophecy for the others to know." He asked and Annabeth stood up to recite the prophecy.

"Darkness arise to put the world in demise,

The hero betrayed shall again prevail,

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