Chapter 19 : The Hero Betrayed

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Percy had woken up and after his daily morning routine of brushing his teeth, showering and changing into a camp half-blood tshirt and blue denim, he was just about to leave the cabin when the air infront of him shimmered. He sat down back on his bed already knowing who was contacting through the Iris message.

And just as he suspected Frank, Hazel and Reyna could be seen behind the seen.

"So... what happened yesterday?"


"You're telling me that the monsters are all there on Mount Othyrs... and more are gathering?"

"Yes..." Hazel let out a shaky breath.

"Oh my gods..." Percy rubbed his face with his hand, sighing.

"What can we do now Percy?" Reyna spoke up for the first time in their conversation letting Hazel and Frank tell him the story.

"The prophesy is going to happen soon then... Jason and Piper are researching on potential enemies with Rachel. And nymphs, dryads and all other various nature spirits from around America keeps Grover updated... But still we don't have a lead... yet."

"Why not Annabeth to do the research? She knows a lot about mythology right?"

Percy ran a hand through his hair.
"I... I can't trust Annabeth now... Wait!" He said as the three Roman demigods started to argue. "Let me explain."
He continued when the three nodded slowly.
"Annabeth's been quite... distant lately. And I don't mean the normal 'I'm stressed and I need answers, so don't bother me' kind of distant. It's like she's closing herself off from everyone. And she won't even talk to me."
He went his lips and he was sure that his frustration towards the whole situation was showing.
"I sometimes hear her mumbling to herself in what I assume is some kind of weird language, and it's not Greek or Latin. And for a fact I know that she isn't researching anything related to the prophesy or war... but something else...and I don't know what it's about and her notes are... well they aren't written in her usual style. All in all I feel as if she's hiding something."

The three were silent after this.

"No need for more missions. Keep all legionnaires safe and inside camp Jupiter. Strengthen defences. We can expect an attack there."

"Hopefully we can figure out what happened to Annabeth and stay safe Percy." Hazel told him before cutting off the connection.


Percy went to breakfast to find Annabeth missing.

"Hey Malcolm! Where's Annabeth?" Percy asked when the younger athenian came in.

He left after having his breakfast to look for her. She wasn't in any place where she'd usually be.

He was searching in the woods and had almost reached Zeus's fist.

And what he saw just before entering the clearing made him stop.

Annabeth and Lou was making out by Zeus's fist.

The shock in seeing them hit him so hard that he stumbled a few steps backwards and he had to put his hand on a trunk of a tree to steady himself.

He felt like a fully loaded pick up truck had run over him a hundred times then stabbed a hundred times and run over by the truck again. The physical pain from the curses of the arai was nothing compared to the pain he felt now.

He took a sharp breath before putting his face on the crook of his elbow clenching his eyes shut. As much as he tried to relieve the burning sensation behind his closed eyelids, he couldn't.

He turned away from them and ran back all the way to his cabin. It was like he was working on auto pilot. He wrote a quick note to Chiron saying that he's leaving. He grabbed the backpack he has packed for emergencies and left camp.

He didn't care where he went or how he went. All of it was hazy with pain. He didn't know how many monsters he killed on the way. It was night when he reached his destination. He didn't care he hadn't eaten till morning and that it was late at night. He didn't care that he was exhausted and his body was desperately craving rest. The burning sensation was still there.

He only knew where he was... Montauk beach. The place he and his mother came to when for anything... whether it be a good thing or a bad thing. He wanted something familiar, to anchor him back to the world. He couldn't trouble his mother now. His mind unconsciously had led him here. The presence of the same was comforting. The place his mother met his father...

He dragged his feet to the edge of the shore and a few feet into the shallow water.

He fell to his knees and finally let the tears come...


Word count: 797

Date published: 31/03/2020

Okay no need to kill me! As you can see Percabeth is still in the tags. There's a totally valid reason to why I did that.

And btw, I couldn't mention this before... buuuut, remember how I said Hekate instead of Hecate? It's cause the Roman form of Hecate is Hekate. Search it up on Google if y'all are not sure.



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