Chapter 8 : A God Cried!!!..... Wow! That's new

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Hi guys! So I was not gonna update today. I wanted to wait and see after that cliffy. But I felt sorry for my readers so I decided to update today. And the picture above is of Hermes. I had to search a lot to get it. There wasn't any, not even in the characters page of Uncle Rick. So anyway enjoy the chapter.


Previously on The Final War

Hermes turned dark. "They were clouded from me."

"This is not good." George said.

"For once I agree with you." Martha told as well.

I was under the impression that they never agree to anything. And if they do it must be pretty bad.

But me being me, "What do you mean?" I asked anyway.

Hermes sighed, clearly frustrated.

"I honestly don't know." He said and sighed again.

He became silent as if he was in a fight with himself -which I probably thought he was, being a god and all-. He seemed to be weighing the odds of telling me and not telling me. After a pause which seemed to drag on forever he spoke up.

  "You know what Percy. I'll tell you the whole story. From the beginning."  

Hermes (Was not expecting that POV now were ya?)

I honestly don't know what came over me when I told Percy that I'll tell him the whole story. I honestly don't even know why I came to talk to Percy in the first place. But I guess I needed someone to talk to. The gods aren't really the conversing type, which is ironic really as I myself am a god. And out of other demigods I think I have a soft spot for Percy. It's not just because he had been through more than others, but because he is a really kind, caring and loyal considering that he is more powerful than anyone else. Because most powerful demigods tend to be bragging and annoying bitches.

So right now I was thinking of a way to tell this to Percy. As hard as it is for me to admit it, I felt vulnerable. Frustrated I put my head in my hands. For once George and Martha kept quiet, letting me deal with my problem.

"Are you alright Lord Hermes?" Percy asked, concerned. See what I said, caring.

"Ever the formalities with me now isn't it Percy?" I asked jokingly and Percy chuckled a bit. But the mood became somber almost immediately. "No Percy, I'm not. I really don't know how to say this, but I really wanna get it out of my head."

"I'm listening." Percy said slowly.

"You know Percy, I first met their mother Kayla Colins when I was in Canada. She was a professor of history. I met her when she was tutoring a class at a museum. And the thing is that she seemed specially interested in greek mythology. She believed in the gods so much. She was this beautiful woman with auburn hair and brown eyes. I immediately fell in love with her. She was actually an American, though she worked in Canada. After the class was over I went and talked to her. Well tried to anyway, cause she was scared that I will hurt her and threatened to call the security. But she finally came over it once I told her who I was. Well it took some explaining, and showing some of my powers, but she didn't call the security which is a plus." 

I paused for a second remembering that day.

"She was a very nice person Percy. But she was secretive, very secretive. It didn't bother me at the time. She was the woman that I loved the most. After May of course. Just like May she understood that I couldn't be with her for a long time, much less forever. Well we were together for a month, and Kayla got pregnant. You can imagine how happy I was when she had twins. I constantly visited her..."

The next part of the story was what unsettled me the most. So I sighed and looked down.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want Lord Hermes." Percy said placing a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head, conveying the unspoken message. No. It's better to get it out of my head. Percy understood and he lowered his hand to rest it on his thigh.

"After 3 or 4 years Kayla turned secretive. I knew she was hiding something, but I couldn't tell what. I tried to get her to tell me but she turned the cold shoulder towards me. Finally she got into a quarrel with me. I was shocked. You wouldn't think that she would quarrel with anyone if you knew her. She told me that she wanted to get away from. And she did just that. She went to Alaska. I was frustrated because I was powerless there. I thought she'd never come back, and I was more than happy when she did. I wanted to talk to her, but something prevented me from doing so. Something more powerful than the gods. But she died in Seattle. I couldn't speak to her when the children were around as something prevented me. I went to the place to see her one last time. I was surprised that she still had a little life left of her. She told me that she was sorry and that there was this voice whispering to her. But I didn't care about it."

My chest hurt as I took a jagged breath. My body shaking a little from holding in a sob.

"I didn't care about anything. I- I just wanted to save her. I loved her so much Percy. I thought I'll be able to, but I couldn't. I even considered in making her immortal, but it was too late for that. She was already dying. I couldn't save her Percy. I was a god, but I couldn't do that single dam thing. I failed her..."

My voice broke and I slammed my fist into the ground as tears leaked out of my eyes. The facade I had been holding melted away.

"I understand Lord Hermes." Percy said. And I knew he did. It was bad to hope for his help, but I knew he'd solve the problem.

"I'm sorry Percy for making you see a god cry." I said wiping away my tears. I wasn't ashamed to cry in front of. If it was someone else, sure I'd be embarrassed but not with Percy.

"I-I'll go now Percy. Thank you for listening."

"My pleasure Lord Hermes." He said and averted his eyes as I turned super Nova and flashed out.


Word count: 1032

Date published: 20/12/2018

So now that was a long chapter. Well longer than usual.

Anyway from this chapter I just wanted to show that even gods get emotional and they aren't always people who just go after ladies for fun. They do care about them like Poseidon does to Sally or Hermes does to May. You know.... Don't judge a book by its' cover. Also I think that Hermes is a good Olympian and I wanted to bring a side like that to him. Tell me your opinion about it. Please?

And for a more important question, who do you think is that voice who whispered in Kayla's voice?


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