Chapter 11 : Underworld and Camp Jupiter

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After the prophecy was spoken I immediately shadow traveled to Camp Jupiter. The first time I shadow traveled after one jump I had to sleep for at least 3 hours before managing another. But now I can manage 2 or 3 jumps before becoming exhausted, but a certain son of Apollo doesn't think so. So I had to assure him that I'd be careful.

I emerged from the shadows of Pluto's temple. I wanted to find Hazel and Frank. I saw Don the Faun near, so I told him to call Hazel. I sat on the roof of my dad's roman counter part's temple waiting for Hazel. As I sat there I thought about the last few days. It's really rare for the gods to interact with their children, and even more rare for Hades because he was not the social type. But about a week ago he sent me a message telling me to come and meet me.

_^_ *****

The capture the flag game finished about half an hour back and Percy's group won -which I was in of course- like always, and he just left to go home and meet his parents. I was still at the creek and turned to go back when I heard the bushes ruffle behind me and turned to look and saw Jules-Albert climb up from the ground. He comes only when I call him but if he just came, I guessed it was because dad called me.

"Did dad call me to the underworld?" I asked the zombie.

He nodded his head and saluted to me before sinking back to the ground. I walked up to a tree and shadow traveled to the underworld. I emerged outside Hades' castle. I walked to the entrance and the guards let me in without asking who I was like they normally did because of their poor memory. Dad probably must've told them that I was coming.  I walked through the hallway and entered Persephone's garden. I stopped there and looked around. If I hadn't picked up the pomegranate seeds the last time I was here I surely would've died. But I have no intention of eating them again.

I left the garden and entered the throne room where my dad sat on his throne made of bones, the helm of darkness perched on top of his head. He wore his cloak of souls over his normal suit. Persephone sat on her own throne next to his looking as pretty as a corpse. She was on Olympus the last few months with her mother, but now back in the underworld. It was almost like a switch. When she was out in the outside world she was very pretty, with a cherry personality. When she was back in the underworld, she becomes pale almost instantly and she was as approachable as a spider to an Athena camper.

"So... you have finally arrived."  Hades called standing up and spreading his arms out, as if to hug me. I did not oblige.

"Not like you gave me a chance anyway." I answered. All I was hoping to do was enjoy a nice holiday with my loving boyfriend, and my dad had to ruin it.

"Grumpy now aren't ya?" He exclaimed. "No intention for a hug? No?" He said again seeing my poker face.

"Just because you're a loving father, there is no reason for you to hug me now is there?" I answered back. If you're wondering why I was so sarcastic, it is the result of hanging out with Percy and Leo too much.

Hades plopped down on his throne again sighing ."Look. Son, I'm trying here."

"Then try harder." I lashed out. I was seriously pissed off. "It seems to me like you only call me when you need help. Not because you love me or anything-"

"Please son-" he interrupted me and I interrupted him too.

"Oh right. You have all these duties to attend! Then what are you doing here sitting on your throne? Are you on vacation now?"

"You dare not speak to my husband like that." Persephone joined in. There was a fire in her eyes.

"No Persephone. He does have a point and I can't blame him. It is true that I only call him when I want help," Hades said. "But I'm pretty sure it's the same for the others as well" He ended matter of factly.

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