Boys don't cry.

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We sit there awkwardly, not speaking,and i step on the pedal and run the material through the sewing machine, raising the volume of the music playing on my phone. After a while, i look up to find Chat's face incredibly close to mine and i jerk back in surprise, only to knock over my stuff and my worktop swerves, the foot of it hitting my stool, and before i know it i am lying on the floor,  eyes closed from the impact. 


I open my eyes, and chat is ontop of me. His eyes widen and he quickly gets up, brushes himself off and helps me up.

'sorry,' he smiles apologetically, before quickly tidying everything up.

'really, its fine' i say, 'i mean i'm that much of a klutz that it was bound to happen anyways sooner or later,'

chat laughs at this, 'i don't know what to say to that,'

At that moment his ring beeps and he looks at me, we both know what it means. 

'i guess i'll see you later then, yeah?' he says, jumping out of the window and landing on his feet like a trained gymnast.

*timeskip to december coz i feel festive and i have writers block*

I'm so colddd i type, holding the thick blankets closer to myself as I message on the groupchat, I swear it was so warm like last week or something.

Alya- ikkrr its happened all of a sudden.

Nino- I'm not bothered, im just bored tbh

Tell me about it, I sigh. I am sat by myself on the couch infront of the tv, watching the news.

Adrien-I am soooo hungry rn

Alya- me too, model boy, me too

Nino – I'm still bored.

I swear, whenever it's winter it's the season to complain about everything and anything. Even Nadja Shamak is complaining about the icy winds on national television. Same, Nino, same.

Alya- I'm coming to your house M.

Sure, you practically live here I say.

Nino- Wait up, I'm coming over aswell.

Adrien- I'm allowed!

I grin as I read through the messages. My parents are stuck in traffic on their way from the Winter market and I have been sat like a loner in the lounge with the fire roaring, until I hear an impatient knock on the door. I have to leave the warmth of the fire to prevent the door being kicked down.

A massive gust of icy wind swirls in tiny snowflakes which disappear as they enter through the door with my friends, who push past each other, knocking me off my feet. Adrien lands on top of me, catching my head and i get a crazy feeling of déjà vu. I haven't seen Chat since the last akuma attack, and he hasn't visited me as Marinette since he knocked over all my stuff.

I look into those gorgeous emerald eyes which stare back at my dull blue ones. Why do boys always have such good eyelashes? And that blonde hair gently swept, outlining his face..

I can hear snickering, and I look sideways to see Nino taking photos whilst Alya covers her mouth. I push Adrien off me and lock the door, shuddering from both the cold and the close proximity of my crush. I turn around, only to see Adrien still on the floor, leaning on his arms looking up at me, mouth opened slightly. I wonder why.


I had left him on the floor.

I apologise as he gets up and takes off his coat, which I hang up until I hear the click of the camera. I pull the phone off Nino and delete the photos, before leading them in.


As soon as I see Marinette in a thick white woollen piece my father designed, hair loose under that cat-ear headband, bangs cascading a little past her ears.

I've never seen her with hair down. Not in real life, nor on her Instagram.

When Nino shoved me onto her, she was underneath me, hair fanned out, those giant blue orbs staring at mine, i just froze on the spot.

Now, my mind is lost as I sit across her watching her moving her hands ecstatically and grinning.

Why does she seem so achingly familiar?

'Earth to Adrieeeenn!' I snap back to see Alya, Nino and Marinette looking at me.

'Erm what did you say again?'

'Marinette was asking if all of us wanted to make cookies,'

'It will be warm!' Marinette adds in a sing-song voice.

'Of course, yeah, sure,' I say quickly.

Inside I feel my heart stop. My mother used to make cookies with me when I was younger, and I'd knock everything over, and I'd look at her and dad fearfully, back in the days where that was the main priority and I wasn't busy juggling school, modelling and being a superhero. Both my parents would laugh and ruffle my hair and tell me everything was ok.

And it was, as well, until my mother had to disappear and my father turned all angry lone-wolf, not caring about how i miss her, not just him.

Marinette offers me an apron, and Alya and Nino volunteer to go and get more flour from the pantry as we sift the flour we already have. She smiles at me, and I feel my cheeks rise, then, as I see a trail of flour I feel a tear run down my cheek.

Boys aren't meant to cry.

It look at the flour which is slightly darker where it landed. I have to blink my eyes and keep it in. At least, till I'm safely away in my room.

I feel a pair of smooth hands on my cheeks, lifting my head. Marinette looks me in the eyes and wraps her arms around me, and I sink into the hug. After a while, she cups my head between her hands and gently pulls me down so that she can see properly.

'I'm here for you,' she whispers quietly, 'always,'.

That's all I ever needed. Nobody telling me everything is ok when it isn't, just someone who gets me.

Marinette is a great friend.

My best friend.

No wonder Ladybug likes her, someone so caring and compassionate and underappreciated.

Alya and Nino return, and I push all the depressing thoughts out of my head.

I am blessed.


ok, so i came across this and i'm so obsessed now:

bug out!

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