Chapter 2 - See you soon

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I was just so sad. I couldn't be happy without Star, I needed her. She's my best friend, at least I think she is. After her confession I didn't know anymore.

While i debated in mind my what I should do, a portal opened. I looked up hoping to see Star but instead a note being dropped in my room.

"Hey Marco, I'm sorry for leaving like that. If you want to talk or hang out, use your dimensional scissors. Hope to see you soon. Oh yeah ask my dad where we are, he should know."

The note made my decision a lot easier to make. I was going to go straight away. But before I did I had to tell my parents.

"Mom, Dad,"

"Sweetie, you're still awake. What are you looking." My mother asked, happy to see that I wasn't lying on the floor.

"I'm going to Mewni to see Star, I might not be back for a while." I spoke showing them the note Star gave me. They quickly scanned the note, and after they read it they looked at me with a soft smile.

"It's best you should go, no offense but you look... miserable without her."

"I know, but I just miss her!" I said looking at the floor.

"I know you do hijo, we all do. Now hurry up and pack your things, you wouldn't want to wait would you?" My dad questioned me.

"Oh ho... Definitely not!" I shouted while I ran like lightning up the stairs.

"Star, are you alright?" My mom asked while holding the baloonified high commission.

I opened my eyes open slowly, only realising my head was in a world of pain. "Ow gosh. What happened Mom?" I asked feeling a little light headed.

"The warnicorns tripped on a rock, that flew out of nowhere."

I touched my head lightly pulling it back in pain.

"Are you alright? You took quite a tumble." She asked, with a quiet giggle to lighten the mood.

"Oh yeah, totally, totally, totally." I replied reaching for my wand that wasn't there. "Wait, where's my wand?" I was searching around in the rubble frantically until my mom grabbed my arm.

"Don't worry Star, I have it"

"Oh thanks," I said trying to grab it, but she pulled her arm back. "Uh Mom? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't worry Star, I'll just... keep an eye on it, okay?"

"Okay." I groaned in annoyance.

"Well seeing as the warnicorns are gone and the carriage is totalled, we should probably start walking." Mom spoke up.

"Oh uh... by the way Mom, where are we even going?" I asked, getting up and starting to walk.

"We are going to the sanctuary."

"We have a sanctuary?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yes we do. Every time someone get their magic tooken from them and if The Chancellor... isn't available, we take them to the sanctuary to refill their magic."

"Woah, that sounds so coo-" My Mom covered my mouth with force. I tried to pull her hand away but it wouldn't budge. As I was trying with all my force to move her hand she let out a quiet stop, and I did what I was told.

I knew why she wanted me to stop, I could hear little taps of feet walking very close to us and u thought I heard a squeak as well. We both shot behind the closest rock, letting the rats, that probably belonged to Ludo, pass.

"That was close," My mom whispered.

"Yea, it was."

We started to walk towards a giant lake crystal blue lake that had a little blue crocodile next to it. "So, mom, why did we stop?" I asked her.

"Because we're here."

"Uh... What?"

"Hold them a second, Star." She ordered, walking towards the crocodile. "BWAA!" She screamed at the crocodile.

"BWAA!" It replied.


"She has lost her marbles..." I spoke under my breath.

"BWAA!" The blue crocodile walked into the lake. After a few seconds a lot more blue crocodiles came it of the lake, bringing, what I'm guessing, the sanctuary with them.

We started to walk towards the sanctuary, with my mother taking the lead.

As we walked inside, the only thing we saw were a ton of Glossarycks everywhere. "Woah... look at all the Glossarycks."

"Yes, I know." She spoke. "Queens of Mewni have been coming here for generations in times of need-"

"Wait, wait, wait, we're just going to wait here?"

"Yes Star, we need to keep you safe."

"But what about Toffee? If we don't act now there's no telling on what he'll do."

"No Star, the only thing I'm doing is keeping you safe."


"No but, that's final."


"Bye Mom. Bye Dad." I spoke

"Goodbye, hijo. Be safe." They spoke. I grabbed my dimensional scissors and cut a whole through the fabric of space time, took a deep breath, and walked through it.

"Star, here I come."

Well I couldn't just miss the best part in The Battle for Mewni could I? (Just in case you don't know I'm on about the BWAA part) You guys and girls are lucky and got this early because I was going to upload every 7 days but you got it a day early. HAPPY EARLY CHRISTMAS!!!😁😁😁

A Star In My Eyes - A Starco Fanfic (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें