Chapter 4 - I Guess You've Met Manfred

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It's been 2 weeks since Star and Moon entered the sanctuary or at least thats what Star thought. "Come on Mom! We have to do something, Toffees on the loose destroying everything while we're sitting in here eating corned cream and snookers bars!" Star yelled at her mother.

"Star will you please stop screaming! Someone could here us!"

"Okay, okay. First of all you're just saying that so I'll be quiet, and secondly, even if what your saying is true, WE ARE IN A GIANT DOME THAT'S FLOATING ON THE WATER!"

"Alright, alright! I admit it. Now could you please be quiet? You're giving me a head-"

"Shhhhh!" Star told Moon putting her slender ginger on her lips.

"Star, what are you-" Again, Moon was cut off by Star.

As the duo were in complete silence, they heard slight splashes of water coming from outside.

As Star walked towards the door, she and Moon took on a fighting stance as they opened the door.

"YAAAA- Wait, Marco!" The red hoodie wearing boy was standing at the door covering his face standing next to Manfred who surprisingly didn't flinch.

As the boy uncovered his hands, he was tackled to the floor by his old roommate.

"Marco, I've missed you so much!"

"Hehe, yea, I've missed you too, Star." Marco said returning the hug.

"So, Marco, I see you've met Manfred." Moon pointed out.

"Yea, he was the one that told me you were here."

"Indeed, Your Majesty. Shall I return to the castle and assist King Butterfly?" Manfred asked, awaiting his next order.

"Yes, Manfred. That will be all."

"So, Marco. What happened after I left?" Star questioned.

"Well I kind of just stayed in your room until you came back, everyone else left. Then I got your letter, packed my stuff and came over right away." Marco replied showing Star his bag.

"Oh, Marco, I'm sorry for making you worry so much."

"It's okay Star, but may I ask? Why did you leave so quickly?" After that sentence Star gave Moon a 'should I?' look which Moon replied to with a small nod.

"One word. Toffee." Star said with a slight hint of discomfort in her tone.

"Wait, i thought Toffee was dead? You killed him, right?"

"I thought that aswell but he's somehow back and he's controlling Ludo."

"Yes I'm afraid he's back and stronger than ever-"

"And my Mom is suggesting we should stay her and wait! Crazy, isn't it, Marco?"

"Well, maybe not so much,"

"Oh come on! You're taking my Mom's side."

"Star, hear me out, Toffee was already tough the last time we fought him, now your mom is saying he's stronger!"

"Thank you, Marco! See Star, Your vest friend is even saying it's too dangerous."

"Do you think i care about the danger? I just want to put this whole Toffee thing behind us by destroying him! That way he's gone forever!"

"Star please, listen to your mother! What if your child was in this situation? What would you do?"

"Well I would... i would..."

"Exactly. Please if its keeping yoy safe im agreeing with your mother. I can't loose you again." After Marco's speech, Star sighed in defeat.

"Fine! We'll stay!"

"Thank you!" Marco said taking a sigh of relief.

"Marco, can I talk to you?" Moon asked.

"Sure, Queen, what's up?"

"Please, call me Moon.I just wanted to thank you for getting Star to stay."

"No problem."

"One more thing. Do you happen to have any change?"

"I've got 650 bucks."

"Good Mewni, where did you get all that?"

"He started an uprising in St. Olga's and now he's famous and has merchandise sold with a monthly fee of $650." Star interrupted. Moon looked at Marco with a shocked face and he just simply nodded.

"Well then I guess we'll be able to get snacks."

As Moon was tapping the buttons, her feet got covered in black ooze.

"Uh, Mom? What's happening?" Star asked.

"Oh no, the well is overflowing! Quick get out! Now!" The trio ran to the door and pressed the button to get out before anything got worse. "Start swimming!" Moon spoke as they all swam to shore right before the sanctuary collapsed.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Marco asked taking of his hoodie to rinse it out.

"Well, we will probably have to find somewhere else to stay-"

"Ribbit" They all looked down at a frog that had interrupted Moon.

"Marco, it's time to meet an old friend." Star spoke.

"Star, what are you on about?"

"No time to explain, just follow us."

As the three were walking through the forest Star started to shiver. "Star? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Yeah, totally, totally, totally. Just a bit cold, that's all."

"Oh ok." Marco spoke. As the two were walking side by side, with Moon behind them, Marco took of his jacket and put it on Star's shoulders. "It might be a bit wet but it'll help." Marco said releasing a small smile.

Star started taking it off. "No, Marco, it's your hoodie. And besides, im okay." Star was stopped by Marco.

"I insist." Star stopped and looked into the Marco's hazelnut eyes, his look warmed her heart, making her blush a bit.

"But what about you?"

"I'll be okay, Star. Your safety is what matters." The two both blushed, looking away from each other.

Moon, who was watching the whole thing, released a smile.

Well my family was over today so i couldn't make some chapters but I made this one. Expect another two soon and have a Happy New Year!

A Star In My Eyes - A Starco Fanfic (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora