Chapter 21 - The Final Showdown

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"Enough with your blabbering. Let's just finish this!" Star cast her spells left, right and centre. But something was different. It was almost like her spells were stronger.

"Impressive. Have you been practising? What am I saying? You never practise!" Toffee dodged Star's spells with ease. "All you do is dance and sing and destroy everything in your path! You don't care about anyone but yourself!"

"Star, don't listen! He's trying to get inside your head!" Janna said.

"No, Janna. It's okay. I don't care what he says. Sure, I might have made puppies that shoot lasers, and made a rainbow that that caught on fire - twice! But after all of my wrongs, all of my imperfections, people still love me for who I am!" Star kept blasting her spells while Janna took swings at her with a baseball bat.

"Wow! Impressive speech coming from a girl like you!" Janna went to take another swing but was disarmed in the attempt and shoved to the ground. "But sadly the words won't be shared with anyone else." Toffee glared into Star's eyes almost as if he was looking for something. Suddenly, Toffee dropped his weapon. "Do you think I need a weapon to destroy an insect?" Toffee threw an unexpected punch towards Star which made her fall to the ground, making her wand fly across the floor. "Weak."

"Heh. You know for a lizard in the body of a bird you're pretty strong. Sadly, not strong enough." Star jumped to her feet ignoring her wand. "Janna take the wand back to my mom. I'll be here a bit longer than expected."

"But, Star-"

"Do it, Janna!" Refusing to argue, Janna took the wand and cut a portal heading back to Mewni.

"Don't worry, Star. I'll be back... Stay safe, Mayor."

"C'mon Toffee! Me and you! Mano a mano!"

Star threw the first punch which connected with Toffee's jaw. He scoffed and and punched Star's stomach. Toffee went on for another punch but Star countered and kicked his knee. "You'll pay for that!" Star recieved an elbow to her stomach and a punch to her head making her trip over a piece of rubble that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "I knew it. You can't defeat me, Star. I'll always win!"

"Toffee!" Star turned her head to the doorway and saw Eclipsa standing there.

"Eclipsa?!" Star gasped.

"Toffee, stop this at once!"

"Why should I? These people stole your crown, wand and name! They should pay for what they've done!"

"Does it matter? They have taken care of Mewni far better than we ever could! Stop this petty argument!"

"And what? Let them win?"

"That's not what I said. We can just talk this out!"

"Listen to your wife!" Star tried to help reason with Toffee.

"You know I can't do that."

"Well... well then your going to have to go through me!" Eclipsa stood in front of Star.

"What?! Eclipsa, I don't want to hurt you but get out of my way."

"No! Toffee, drop it and be civilized! You are not the man I married."

"Why do you have to make this harder for me?" Toffee grabbed Eclipsa's arm and threw her onto the ground.

"No!" Eclipsa screamed.

"Now, time to end the fake family heritage." Before Toffee released his anger a portal opened and Moon, Janna and Marco walked out. "Not again!"

"Star!" They shouted in unison.

"Guys, get out of here! He's to dangerous!"

"No way!" Marco denied. "We always fight battles together, why do you want to do this one alone?"

"Marco's right! We need to stick together!" Janna said. "If me, you and your mom work together we can do this!"

"See, Toffee? These people love me! These people will risk my life for my well-being even if I don't want it! Listen to Eclipsa and we can talk it out!"

"Oh, Star. You really are stupid, aren't you? I'm not gonna be persuaded by words."

"Fine. I tried to be the good guy. Looks like we're finishing this." Star got off of the floor and her hands turned into fists. Marco, Janna and Moon ran to her side. So did Eclipsa. "You sure, Eclipsa?"

"Yes. He's going to far and needs to be stopped."

"Star!" Moon yelled and passed Star her wand.

"Thanks." They all got into a fighting position and launched attacks towards Toffee. He didn't flinch. Instead he sent all of them to the ground.

"It's a shame. I thought all of you would put up a fight. Oh well." Toffee started to walk towards Star.

"C'mon, Star! Y-You can do it!" Marco spoke.

"Don't give up!"

"You can beat him!"

"You really must be blind," Star began. "Everyone here believes in me! Everyone doesn't want you to live! You even made your own wife turn on you! I'm giving you one last chance. Give up!"


"Fine." Star got onto her feet.

"You can do it!" Janna yelled. Next to her Marco also got to his feet and walked next to Star.

"Ready?" He asked. Star nodded and they both held hands and their fingers intertwined. A bright light emerged from their hands.

"Remember when you said me and Marco were the most powerful people in the universe? Well you can taste the power." The light grew and swallowed their arms. Then their whole body's. Next the bright light started to shatter like glass and two bright yellow versions of Star and Marco started deep into Toffee's soul with a smile. The two looked at each other and nodded releasing a golden beam blasting Toffee into oblivion. The two golden people collapsed and fell into an unconscious sleep.


"Star! Marco! C'mon, wake up!" Star and Marco fluttered their eyes open and saw a concerned Moon staring down at them. "Oh thank corn!"

"Wha-What happened?" Star asked as she leaned up.

"After you two blasted Toffee he turned into a pile of ash so we took you to the Mewni castle. You two have been asleep for hours!"

Star looked down at Marco who was holding his head, his head against a pillow. Star blushed. "Mom! Couldn't you get another bed!?"

"I didn't think about that. Also you two were cute!" Star blushed even more than she did before.

"So, Star, what do...  what do you want to do today?" Marco asked lifting his head.

"How about, instead of dimension hopping, we just take a walk?"

"Sounds good!"

"Well, i'm just going to help Eclipsa and Janna rebuild. You two can take a break." Moon exited the room.

"I'll get up if you're uncomfortable." Marco was about to leave the bed when Star grabbed his arm.

"Wait! Why don't we- why don't we just stay here for a bit." Marco sat back down.

"Okay." The two sat smiling at each other until they both lent in for a passionate kiss.

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