Chapter 10 - 320 years?

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As the bright sun was rising, Marco drearely opened his eyes and rubbed them a bit. As he was going to sit up, he noticed he was being held down. As he looked, he saw Star's hand around his waist, that made Marco smile a bit. He slowly moved Star's hand off of him, trying not to wake her, but failed. A voice came from the princess.
"Marco? Where are you going?" Star asked - her voice gravelly.

"I'm just going to take a shower." He replied.

"No . . . Don't leave me please!" Star tried to move her arm to grab Marco and pull him but she didn't have the strength. "You're lucky this time. Now hurry before I change my mind and blast you or something." Marco just chuckled and left the room, as Star fell asleep.

After Marco's shower, he walked back into the room and saw Star quietly snoring. He walked over to her and poked her cheek. "Hey, Star, it's time you get up." Star groaned and reached for her wand. "Uhh, Star?" Marco stepped back a bit but Star just blasted a (thankfully) weak spell, knocking Marco to the ground.

"Now let me sleep! I'll get up in a few . . . years." As Marco got up he decided to let her sleep.

After a few minutes passed, Marco had nothing to do and he felt bored. So he decided he would at least do something to help Star while she was asleep.

Maybe I should tidy her room. He thought. It's always a mess. As Marco was walking to Star's room he bumped into Moon. "Oh, sorry Moon."

"It's alright, Marco. Have you seen Star? I tried looking for her in her room but couldn't see her - unless she's in one if her piles if trash." Marco went slighlty red. He couldn't tell her they had been sleeping together. He had to think of something.

"Uhm, Star woke up early and . . . she came into my room but she fell asleep, on my bed. Because she was asleep I was going to tidy her room for her." Marco felt very nervous. What if Moon saw through his lies?

"Oh, okay. I'll just go and wake her up." Marco let out a sigh if relief when Moon turned. "Oh and Marco? I know you like her but that doesn't mean you have to do everything for her." Marco blushed a bit.

"What? No! It's- it's not like that!"

"Really? Well I must be seeing things." Moon smiled a bit, "But even if you are just her friend, you're not her slave." Moon turned and walked back towards Marco's room.

Marco didn't care if he was a slave or not, Star was not going to clean her room - ever - and someone needed to do it.

As Moon was walking to Marco's room she was interupted by one of the knights. "Queen Moon! We have a visitor we think you might want to see." Moon nodded and followed the knight down a series of corridors and staircases.

When Moon and the knight reached the castle gates, Moon dreaded to meet again but knew she eventually would. "Eclipsa." Moon said with a sour tone.

"Moon? Oh my! You've grown a lot from the last time I saw you. How long has it been?" Eclipsa spoke calmly.

"20 years."

"Goodness me! Time flies when you're trapped in a diamond, doesn't it?"

"Eclipsa, just a hunch but did you by any chance write this note?" Moon pulled out the note she received from Manfred when they were in the forest and handed it to Eclipsa.

After Eclipsa scanned through the note, she turned back to Moon. "Yes. Yes I did. I said it once and I'll say it again, You really need to look after our heirloom, it's more powerful than you might think."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing. Did you put the crystal back into the wand your daughter has?"

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