Chapter 16 - Storm The Cornfield

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"Star? What are you doing?" Moon mumbled to herself. As she exited the portal she saw the group.

After stepping through the portal, the group gathered around a hole. "So, according to Buff Frog this is where we go." Everyone stared down the hole, looking for a bottom. "Heckapoo, I don't see anything. Will you be able to portal us down?"

"Sure." Heckapoo took out her scissors and cut open a portal that they all walked through.

"Toffee? Wasn't he dead?" She said under her breath walking towards the portal. "And if he isn't... You're not fighting him alone."


"Okay, is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded. Star was crouched down trying not to alert anyone. "Then let's go." Kelly and Star got up off of their knees and charged towards Meteora while Janna watched, waiting for the right moment. Heckapoo cut open a portal to another room looking for Marco.

"Muscles!" She whisper-screamed. He wasn't in the room. She cut open another portal to get to another room. "Muscles?" She called out. No reply. As she was about to open another portal she was knocked across the head with a pole.

"Hello there." Meteora greeted while getting charged by the duo.

"Shut it, Meteora! Where's Marco?" Star spat.

"Turdina? Oh he's down the hall third door to your left. But visiting times are over so we'll have to remove you from the premises." She spoke while throwing her oversized fist to the ground.

"Oh ha ha! Very funny." Star said sarcastically. "Now tell me, do you like Jelly beans?"

"Jelly beans? What are you going to do with them?"

"Oh just this. JELLY BEAN HALLUCINATION MIX!" Star yelled at the top of her lungs. "Now Janna!" Janna came running from behind a rock, holding notjing but a watch.

Janna stuck the watch in front of Meteora's face but her eyes are looking in a different direction

"Star, you need to keep her focused on the watch or else it won't work!"

"Got it. Kelly help me hold her head." Kelly and Star grab Meteora's head and face it towards the watch as Janna shakes it form side to side, slowly.

Eventually, Meteora falls into a deep sleep. "How long will she stay like that?" Kelly asked.

"Depends. She bigger so not that long. Which means we need to act fast." The group left the room and searched for Marco down the hall, like Meteora said. But he wasn't there. So the group searched other rooms.

After a while of searching Janna found him. "Guys! Over here!" She called. They both rushed over to find Marco in a cage lying on his back.

"Good work Janna! Now help me break the bars." Star ordered. The group started breaking away at the bars grabbing Marco's attention.

"Star! You have to help me."

"Don't worry, we are." Star said blasting her narwhal blast. Thankfully that broke the bars so Marco could escape.

As Marco got out form his prison he was tackled in a hug by Star. "I'm glad to see you to. But can you please go easy? They stuck some sort of needle in me and now I feel weird."

"Well, we're getting you out of here." Star grabbed Marco's hand and dragged him towards out of the room and into the hall.

"So, how are we getting out of here?" Marco asked. "Do you have the scissors?"

"Yeah but Heckapoo can take us out. We just need to find-"

"Do you mean her?" Toffee spoke from down the hall, throwing down an unconscious body to the floor. "She stumbled into my planning room while I was working."

"Marco, you fit to fight?" Star asked
Marco replied with a nod. "Good 'cause we need to beat him to escape." All four of them dashed towards Toffee unleashing attacks and even he couldn't avoid all of them.

With a strong throw of her arm, Kelly dealt the final blow and sent Toffee into a deep sleep. "Nice job Kelly. Now c'mon, grab Heckapoo and let's get out of-"

"Star!" Moon yelled across the hall.

"Why do I keep getting interupted?" Star mumbled to herself. "Wait, Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Star, we need talk in private." Star nodded and followed Moon down the corridor far enough so the others couldn't here.

After they came back Star's face was covered in worry.

"Star, gather your group and tell them to come with me back to Mewni."

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