Chapter 6 - Toffee's Plan

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As Star and Marco woke up, they were both looking strait up at a stone roof that looks like it might give way soon. As they tried getting up they were stopped by wires tying them to a table. Marco looked at Star who seemed to look quite scared. "Star? Are you okay?" Marco asked worried for his friend.

"Uh... yeah. I am. It's just I think I know who did this."

"Really? Who?" Marco asked.

"Me." A voice said. Marco knew who that voice belonged to... Toffee. "Surprise!"

"Toffee, what are you doing in Ludo's body? Actually what are you doing alive?" Star asked.

"Well, it's simple. If someone is near the wand when it blows up after the whispering spell, it doesn't kill them, it just transports them inside one half of the broken wand. So I thought i could take advantage of this and use it to get closer to the two most powerful beings in the universe when together... You!"

"Wait, we're the two most powerful beings in the universe when together? That's awesome!" Star spoke, trying to find the bright side in this.

"Star!" Marco exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry. So Toffee why do you need to get close to us?"

"To make you my minions, of course. Know that I have you, im going to probe your memories too make you think I was the one who made you, so you can help me take over Mewni. And why stop there? Maybe even the universe!"

"Wait, you can probe memories? Oh no..." Marco said, slightly mumbling the last part.

"Now just to start the machine." Toffee walks over to the button but stops. "Oh wait, i almost forgot the anaesthetic, you'd both just die without it." Toffee released a smirk making the two worried about what would of happened if Toffee did forget the anaesthetic.

As Toffee walks out of the room, the two teens struggle to release themselves from the wires holding them down. "Star, stop! It's no use..." Marco began.

"What? Marco you heard Toffee, we're the most powerful beings in the universe together, and we're going to be stopped by ropes?! C'mon, Marco. Stay determined!"  Those few words almost gave Marco hope but it wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry, Star. I just don't have it in me... but... if this is it then I'd like you too know..." Marco stopped.

"Know what? What is it Marco?" Star asked curiously.

"I...I...I love you." There was silence, like it was the aftermath of someone being shot.

"Marco... you... love me?" Star said surprised. "But what about Jackie?"

"I did like Jackie but I've liked her for nearly 10 years and she only noticed i existed this year. She was only my girlfriend because she's the girl I've liked for my whole life. I know that a bit low but..." Marco couldn't finish his sentence. "I was going to ask you out but then... Oskar. You seemed really interested in him, then I thought that a cool girl like you would like a nerd like me. So I went with the next best option. When you told me you had a crush on me I was so glad but then you left. I thought I would never see you again."

After Marco's explanation, Star started speaking. "Marco, I only liked Oskar 'cause you liked Jackie. If I knew you liked me then I would of never even thought of Oskar-"

"I'm back!" Toffee spoke. "I couldn't find the anaesthetic. So, are you two ready to be my minions? What am I saying, of course you aren't. But what would I care?" Toffee walked over to Marco with a mask and stuck it over his nose and mouth.

Marco's eyes became heavy and eventually shut. Toffee then walked over to Star. "Say goodnight, Princess."

With a smirk, Toffee put the mask over Star's mouth and nose and she also fell into a deep sleep.

As Toffee was walking to the button that starts the machine, he got attacked. Toffee was picked up and thrown out of the castle by an unseen force. Then the sound of ropes moving against eachother could be heard from miles away it was that quiet. They were untied.

A while later the two woke up, surprised they still had their origional memories. "Star! Thank goodness you're okay!" Marco got off the table, ran to Star and hugged her, which she returned. "What happened to Toffee?"

"I don't know." Star replied, just as confused as Marco. "Let's not think too much about it and head back to Buff Frog's." Marco nodded in agreement and exited the Monster Temple with Star.

"Look's like he'll be more useful than i thought." Toffee spoke.

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