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"Hey, Marco! I need to show you something!" It had been a month since the battle broke between Star and Toffee. Since then everything was different. Janna moved to Mewni, Eclipsa worked with Moon to help the kingdom and Star and Marco went on a lot more adventures together. Star and Marco were in her bedroom just having a normal conversation and petting the laser puppies.

"Alright, Star. Just let me put down Barko Diaz." Marco put the little dog onto the floor and walked to his friend. "What is it, Star?"

"Follow me!" Star walked onto her balcony with Marco behind her. She got on top of the railing and headed towards the outer wall.

"Be careful, Star!" Marco urged.

"Dude, I got a wand. If I fall i'll just magic myself back up! Now c'mon!" Marco hesitated and followed Star onto the railing. Star jumped up onto the roof with Marco behind her. He was barely hanging on to the ledge. "Need a hand?" Marco nodded and grabbed onto Star's hand, pulling himself up.

"Were are we going?" Star ignored his question and continued to jump up onto more higher roofs until the reached the highest point of the castle. "What are we doing up here?" Star simply pointed towards the horizon causing Marco to look in that same direction. "Wow! Star, this is beautiful!" The sun was setting over the village making everything have a orange-yellow tint to it.

"I know right?" The two stared down at the world below them in silence. Not an akward silence but a calming silence. It was not long after that Marco broke that silence.

"Y'know Star, I don't think I truly asked you if..."

"If what? Spit it out, Diaz!"

"I never asked you if - I mean you don't have to but - would you like to be my um, m-my girlfriend?"

"Oh... Look Marco you're a nice guy but I don't think I am ready for a relationship."

"Oh, well that's o-" Marco stopped mid sentence. "Wait!" He looked up and saw Star with a wide smile on her face holding in fits of laughter. "I knew it!"

"Oh Marco! You really are gullible!" She said inbetween laughs. "Of course I will you big dummy!" Star leaned over and gave Marco a peck.

"I'm not gullible! I saw it coming! About half way through." Marco mumbled that last bit.

"Whatever you say, Diaz!"

Thank you all so much for being here! Sadly this book is at it's end and there will be no more chapters. But if you guys really want it I could make a sequel. But until next time, Have a good one!

A Star In My Eyes - A Starco Fanfic (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant