Chapter 17 - The Virus

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"Marco, you need to follow me." Moon ordered. "You can follow if you like, Star." Star had just returned from sending Janna back to earth.

"Moon, what's going on?" Marco asked. He was given no reply. "Star, do you know?" Star, who started to follow behind, looked at Marco while biting her bottom lip and turned to face in front of her. After a few more minutes of walking the three reached the dungeon.

They had reached a peculiar looking door. "Marco, can you get inside?" Moon asked. Marco hesitantly obeyed her orders and stepped into the room. inside there was a chair in the middle of the room and a glass panel on the wall, like a interrogation room. Moon shut the door and entered the room on the other side of the panel with Star behind her.

"Marco, I know this sounds weird but your gonna have to sit on that chair. Don't worry you shouldn't get hurt or anything." Star said. Marco raised an eyebrow but obeyed her orders.

"Now, Marco we're going to take a few tests. Don't be alarmed." Moon said summoning a syringe with her magic in the same room as Marco. "We have to take a sample of your blood so if you hate needles I suggest you look away." The needle grew closer to Marco and he still didn't have a clue on what was going on. "While we're doing this, Star told me a needle was injected in you. Is that true?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Moon bit her lip without replying. "Moon, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?" Marco asked as the syringe entered one of his veins.

"Oh um, we don't know yet. We just need to be sure. Star can you go get the microscope?" Star nodded and left the room. "You can come in now, Marco." Marco got up from his chair and entered the room on the other side of the glass.

About a minute later Star entered the room with a small microscope in hand. "I hope you'll he hasn't came back 'cause I don't know what we're going to do." Star said.

"He? Who's he?" Marco asked.

"We'll explain later. Right now we need to analyse your blood." Moon answered. "Star, prepare the sample. I'll get the microscope ready."

"Do you want me to do anything?" Marco asked.

"No, Marco. Thanks for the offer, though."

After a few minutes the sample was ready. "So, what are we looking for?" Marco asked, staring down the miniscule telescope.

"Tell me if you see any odd colours or something like that." Marco looked at his blood obeying Moon's orders.

"Um, Moon? There's a bit if yellow blobs here. Oh wait they changed to black. Oh no it changed back to yellow."

"What? Can I see?" Moon looked through the scope. "Oh no. Star did you say it was magic?" Star nodded. "Then it's as I feared."

"Okay, can someone please tell me what's going on?!"

"Marco, remember the monster arm?" Star questioned.

"Yeah? Oh no. You're saying he's back, aren't you?" No one replied. "Oh no. Star please tell me you can fix me or something."

"We can't. The magic has been corrupted. Without it spells get really weak." Moon explained. "And the bad thing is we don't know how to fix it."

Star gasped. "Mom, what about Glossaryck? He must know something."

"Good thinking, Star!" Moon said.

"Yeah, Good thinking, Star." Marco spoke sarcastically. "Isn't Star so smart. She managed to defeat the powerful Lizard once. She'll definatly do it again."

"Marco? Are you okay?" Star asked. "You're acting... different."

"I'm sorry, Marco's taking a nap. So in the meantime i'm controlling his body." Marco's eyes started growing a dark vibrant purple.

"Monster arm! Star, we need to lock up Marco until we figure this out."

"On it." Star ran out of the room for a minute or two and came back carrying a rope. "Marco, can you hold still?"

"Why? So you can tie me up?"

"Yeah! Now hold still!"

"Listen, princess, I'm not going to g8ve myself up. In fact i'm going to help the one who freed me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Would you let me finish?!"

"I would but it looks like we have to wrap things up for today." Behind the monster arm, Moon summoned a rope and tied him up from behind. "Ha! Get it!? 'Wrap'! Anyway it's time you let Marco back in his body."

"Fine. But don't think this is over." The monster arms head slumped down and Marco's eyes turned back to his chestnut brown colour.

"What? Where am- oh yeah. Star, Moon, are you two okay? I saw what happened."

"We're fine, Marco." Moon replied.

"Good. Sorry I couldn't do anything."

"It's okay. Manfred!" Moon screamed. After a short period of time Manfred ran into the room. "Manfred, I want you to take care of Mr. Diaz here while me and my daughter head to the monster temple." Manfred turned and saw Marco roped up. His face was written with shock.

"Y-Yes, Queen Moon."

"Oh, and Manfred? You might want a more secure place to hold him."

Thank you all for 500+ reads! I was actually writing this a few nights ago and it had 400 and now it has over 800! Thank you all so much for liking my story and I'll see you all at 1k reads.

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