Chapter 14 - The Monter Temple's Intruder

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Before I start, I just wanted to thank you all for 200 views. Also, Wattpad has been updated! I don't know if has happened an all platforms because I use mobile. Also also,

Thats right! The release date and episode titles of season 4 and my birthday is March 12th so early burthday present from disney I guess

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Thats right! The release date and episode titles of season 4 and my birthday is March 12th so early burthday present from disney I guess. You all probably want to read the story so here you go. I wanted to keep the Meteora incident because I have plan.

"They aren't your family." Toffee explained.

"What do you mean? They are my family." Eclipsa said.

"No, my dear. You see your mewman husband swapped our child, Meteora, with a peasant named Festivia."

"What? Then did she know who she was."

"Not yet."

"What do you mean? She was born about 300 years ago. She must be gone by now, right?"

"That's where you're wrong. She has been running the reform school known as St. Olga's reform school for wayward princesses and stealing the youth from them, kind of like a Joysucker."

"Does she know who her parents are?"

"Not yet. But she will be going to the monster temple this week."

"How do you know?"

"Let's just say... I have a hunch." Toffee's face grew a smirk.

On the other side of the door, Star was just watching them with an open mouth. "M-Marco, I-I'm not a Butterfly." Marco looked towards Star and saw a glimmer of a tear escape.

"Star, don't cry. I mean, who cares if you're not a Butterfly? You're still the cool, monster butt-kicking Star I fell in love with." Star grew a smile.

"Thank you, Marco, but that doesn't make it better. My whole life has been a lie."

"Well, Star-"

"Did you hear that?" It was Eclipsa.

"Oh no. Marco let's get out of here!" Star whispered. Marco nodded and the both got far enough away so they couldn't here them cut a portal. "We need to tell mom."

"Not yet, Star. It's way to late. You can do it first thing tommorow." Star and Marco walked through the portal and ended back at Butterfly Castle. Star gave Marco a good night hug and left for her room.

The next day, Star got dressed and went to Marco's room to wake him up. As Star peeped through the door she whispered, "Hey, Marco, you awake?" There was no answer. "Marco?" She whispered louder but again no answer. "Looks like I have to go and wake somebody up. MARCO!" She screamed, bursting through the door. "MARCO GET UP! WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!"

Marco's eyes jetted open and he fell off his bed. "Huh? What? Star, why'd you do that?"

"No time to explain. Just stick on your hoodie and get to moving!"

"What about telling Moon?"

"Later, okay? Now chop chop!" Star clapped her hands loud and swiftly so Marco could hurry.

"Star, you need to get out if you want me to change." Marco told her, hoisting himself of the floor using his bed as balance.

"Why?" Star asked. Marco gave her a plain look. "Ohhh. Gotcha." Star turned around and strutted out of the room letting Marco get ready.

After Marco had finished he left his room and met with Star who was waiting on the other side of the door. "Ready?" Star asked. Marco nodded. "Great, now let's go!" Star reached into Marco's pocket for his dimensional scissors. When she grabbed them she pulled them out and cut a hole through space-time.

"Star, where are we going?"

"Monster Temple." Star answered simply.

"Why?" Before Star replied she walked through the portal, Marco following behind. By the time Marco caught up with Star he already knew why. She was going to find Meteora.

"Star, don't. This is stupid."

"What? I just want answers!"

"And how do you know Meteora will have them? How do you know she won't pummel us into the dirt?"

"Marco, we're gonna ask her what she knows. If she attacks open a portal. I don't plan so this is the best you're gonna get."

"Okay, fine." As Star ripped Marco's dimensional scissors from his pocket, she cut open a portal and they both walked through. Once they exited tge portal the ended up at the monster temple. "What if she doesn't come today?"

"That's why I brought this." Star dug into her star purse and pulled out her wand.

"Star, Moon is supposed to have that!"

"Marco, do you expect me to fight Heinous without my wand? Now what food do you want?"

"I can't believe you. Give me a cheeseburger."

"Coming right-" Before Star managed to summon the burger, she heard the sound of a wall crumble close by. "Never mind. This might be her." And indeed it was. Meteora burst through the huge brown doors.

Her dress was ripped to shreds and her eyes had turned yellow. She had grown a bit and her teeth as sharp as a knife.

"Turdina? You're supposed to be on earth! No matter, i'll just end you here!" Meteora came rushing towards them.

Sorry for the short chapter. I have to upload two stories a week so this is kind of difficult.

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