Chapter 5 - Buff Frog

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"Okay, Mom listen, are friend may or may not be a monster-"

"What?" Moon asked, shocked.

"Don't worry, he's not like other monsters."

"Star, I don't want you getting hurt! Marco help me out here."

"Moon, Star's right he's actually a very good monster, he's passive." Marco spoke.

"See, Mom? Even Marco says he's good."

"Fine," Moon said defeated. "but im not lowering my guard for one second."

Star walked over to the giant door and knocked on it, waiting for an answer. Eventually a giant green frog looking man opened the door. "Buff Frog!" Star and Marco exclaimed in unison.

"Star Butterfly! Karate Boy!" The two almost tackled Buff Frog to the ground. "I've missed you to so much!"

"We've missed you too Buff Frog." Marco said.

"Mom this is Yvgeny Bolgolyubov, or Buff Frog."

"Um, hello Buffrog, nice to meet you." Moon greeted, putting out her hand which Buff Frog shook.

"Nice to meet you too, Queen Moon. Please come in." As all four of them walked inside the house the all got ambushed by small frogs.

"Buff Babies!" Star screamed with joy. The baby's revealed the hands and put them on Star's face. "Oh my gosh, you have little baby hands!"

"Oh, you're all so cute!" Marco exclaimed as the babies started attacking him.

"Babies, please, behave." Buff Frog spoke. The babies got off of the two and walked next to their father. "Good. Now say hello to Queen Moon." And with that the babies jumped on top of the Queen.

"Um, excuse me, Buff Frog?"

"Yes, Queen Moon?"

"Where is your washroom?"

"Wash... room?"

"She needs to make boom boom. " Star spoke.

"Oh its out back."

"Thank you." Moon walked out with a red face.

"Hey Marco, why don't you play with the babies in their room. I just need to talk to Buff Frog."

"Sure, okay. Come on babies!" Marco and the babies followed Marco into their room.

"Listen, Buff Frog I need a favour."

"Sure. What is it?"

"I need you to distract my mom so i can fight Toffee."

"Toffee? He is dead."

"No. He is inside Ludo."

"That is... gross. Listen Star, Toffee is dangerous. Do you have plan?"

"I have plan."

"You have plan?"

"I have plan."

"Okay, when Moon comes back I shall distract her." After that sentence Moon came back from the washroom. "Oh, Moon. Would you like to play smash bugs-" He got hit on the shoulder by Star. "Or we can play board games?"

"Good idea Buff Frog and I'll play with the babies with Marco in their room.

As Star got in the room she saw the babies jumping on top of Marco. "Marco!"

"Help Star! I'm getting bullied by the babies!" As Star helped him up there was a their door opened.

"What were you thinking, Star?! Trying to destroy Toffee on your own!" Moon shouted in disbelief.

"What? Who told you?"

"I did. I'm sorry Star. But I can't risk you getting hurt, or worse." Buff Frog spoke up.

"Wait, you were planning to sneak out?" Marco asked, shocked.

"Marco, would you please make sure Star doesn't try and sneak out again?" Moon asked.

"Sure, Moon."

"Thank you."

Star and Marco could hear the two parents talking and laughing to each other. Star was sick of it. "Ugh... there's got to be another way for me to get out."

"We could help."

"Wait, who said that?"

"It was me Katrina."

"Wait, you guys can talk?" Marco asked.

"Just me so far, I haven't told my fad yet. There's something else i haven't told him." The group of babies gathered around a small toy chest and pushed it out of the way to reveal a hole.

"Star? Your not going to do what I think your going to do, right?" Marco questioned.

"Oh come on, Marco. We have to stop Toffee! He's out doing who knows what!"

"Is there going to be anyway I can talk you out of it?" Marco asked. Star replied with a simple shake of her head. Marco sighed. "Fine. But im coming with you."

"Uh... no your not. You could get killed."

"And you can't? Star you're more important than than me. If I go, there'll be a chance Toffee will go for me and not you."

"Marco, don't you ever say your not inportant. Your the Safe Kid that has a thirty year old mind in a fourteen year old body, you've travelled different dimensions, heck you even have a dragon cycle! Do you know how hard thise things are to ride! Actually... you're more important... than me."

"No I'm not! Yes those things might be true, but I'm not a magical princess that has wings!"

"Heh... Thanks, Marco. I...I needed that. So I guess you're going no matter what?"

"Yup! Now come on, lets go destroy Toffee!"

As the two got out of the tunnel, they started their walk to the monster temple. "So... what are you going to do when we get there?" Marco asked.

"Blast 'im!" Star replied swiftly.

"That's it? Star I think it will take nore than... more than a... Oh, i'm not feeling to good." The two collapsed to the floor, on top of each other. With darts on their necks.

Boom Cliff Hanger. Bet you hate me! Anyway the next chapters should in the next couple of days. Or tomorrow. You never know. Anyway Happy 2019 everyone!

A Star In My Eyes - A Starco Fanfic (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora