Chapter 13 - An Unwanted Resurection

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Before I start, it might be a bit hard for me to post more chapters because i'm writing two books at a time. If needed I might stop writing the other for a while.

"Have you found her yet?" Moon asked Harold, one of the knights. It has been a week since the party and Queen Moon has been working non-stop.

"Not yet, your majesty. Although we have found a trail of footsteps, my people are investigating that now." Harold replied.

"Good. Inform me when you find something useful." Harold nodded and left Moon's office. Moon took a breath. "I need to stop Eclipsa." Moon, who was lying back in her chair, almost fell of it when Star burst into the room. "Star! How many times?!"

"Sorry, Mom!" Star ran iver to her and slammed her hands on her desk. "Mom, we need to talk."

"What is it?" This raised Moon's curiosity.

"The wand is bugging out and I have no clue what to do. Look." Star took the wand out of her purse and cast a spell. "NARWHAL BLAST!" She screamed. Nothing came out. "See? NARWHAL BLAST." Again nothing came out.

"All right, give it here. I'll take a look." Star handed the wand to Moon. "Now go hang with Marco while I work."

"I can't. Marco's off to see his parents."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I needed to tell you about the wand and I didn't want to keep him waiting." Moon sighed.

"Well then, go and hang out with the Lucitors or the Ponyheads." Star sighed and left the room. She took out her mirror phone and dialled Ponyhead's number.

"Hey gurl!! Do you want to come over? Im super bored."

"Probably. Sure why not?" There was a faint voice coming through the speakers of her mirror. "Actually, I can't. I'm grounded."

"Why don't you sneak out like you always do?"

"My dad put up cameras everywhere outside the castle so he can see me if i sneak out."

Star sighed again. "Alright, that's cool. Talk to you later." Star hung up and walked to her room and dropped onto her bed. "Marco, please come back soon."

After an hour, the soind of a portal echoed through Star's room. Star lifted her head, to see who or what was going to come out. "Marco?" She asked. Nothing asnwered. Star got closer to the portal. "Hello?" Star was about to stick her head through when it bumped hit something. "Ah!" She took a step back rubbing her head.

"Star, are you okay?" Marco came out of the portal, who was also rubbing his head.

"I'm fine." Star walked over and gave Marco a hug, which he returned.

"Sorry I took so long, I opened the portal but my Mom wanted to give me something."

Star walked over to her bed and sat on it, patting next to her, signalling "What did they give you?"

"It's a secret." Marco said, walking over to sit next to Star. "So what did you do?"

"I told mom about the wand then came to my room and lay down."

"What about Ponyhead?"

"She was grounded and she couldn't sneak out because of cameras."

"I feel bad, now. You were doing nothing the whole time because I wasn't there." Star turned to Marco and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Marco, it's okay. I was tired anyway."

"Okay." They sat in silence. A comfortable silence. "Hey Star, want to spend Friendship Thursday at the bounce lounge?"

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