Chapter 7 - Castle Cleaning

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As Star and Marco were walking home l, they saw both Moon and Buff Frog standing at the door with their arms crossed. "Where have you two been?"
Moon asked them in anger.

"Sorry, Mom. I was-" As Star was speaking she was stopped mid sentence by Marco.

"I did it, Moon. I was going out to find Toffee to defeat him myself. I was trying to get you to go back and see River again." Marco explained.

"Marco? You did it?"

"Yea..." There was a minute of silence and then realised what was going on. "You're not buying it are you?"

"As sweet as that story sounds, I don't believe it one bit. Now I want the real reason. Now!" Moon demanded.

"Okay..." Star started. "So basically-" She was interrupted.

"Queen Moon? This might be a bad time but we just got word that Toffee is gone." Manfred appeared from within the forest and started speaking.

"What? What do you mean 'gone'?" Moon asked confused about what her servant was telling her.

"We got this letter with the other half the the wand's crystal." Manfred gave the letter to Moon and she began to read aloud.

"You may not know me. You may not want to know me but I found half of  the wand's crystal lying in the forest next to a small body that looked like this..."  A small, poorly drawn Ludo was at the bottom of the page. "If this is how you look after your heirloom then i'm would be disappointed by the Butterfly's" Moon stopped reading. She looked up. Moon was happy but confused at the same time. Happy she could see her husband, and that Toffee was dead, but confused on who wrote the letter and why Toffee went down easily.

"So, Mom, are we going back yo the castle?" Star asked. A small smile escaped Moon's lips.

"Of course." She spoke softly.

"Yay! I can't wait to see dad again!" Star excitedly screamed, jumping up and down.

"Star, please, keep voice down. Babies try to sleep." Buff Frog whispered. Understanding, Star nodded and stopped jumping.

As the three waved goodbye to Buff Frog and the babies, they started making their way back to Butterfly Castle. Between Star and Marco, it was quiet most of the way too the castle but Star eventually spoke up. "So, Marco... About what you said at the monster temple, did you actually mean what you said?" After that sentence, Marco went slightly pale. He half hoped Star had forgotten what he had said. Half hoped.

"Umm... Oh look I can see the castle from here!" Marco frantically spike trying to change the topic.

"Marco..." Star wasn't amused on what was trying to do.

Marco sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I did..."

"Oh..." That was all Star seemed to let out. Marco, dumbfounded that she only said that, looked in her direction and saw her beaming brighter than normal.

After a long deafining silence, apart from the background noise, Star spoke up, "Just to let you know, I meant what I said too, about not liking Oskar if I knew you liked me." Marco smiled at her sentence. The two teens liked each other and they both knew it. The problem was who would make the first move?

As they got back too the castle, they met up with River in the throne room. "Star! Moon! You're back!" He went over and held them in a tight embrace. River looked up and saw Marco standing there and pulled him in the group hug as well.

"Well River, it seems you... partied a lot while I was gone." Moon said, observing her surroundings.

"Yeah, I saw that as well while I was asking him where you two were." Marco spoke up.

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