Chapter 18 - Finding Glossaryck

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"Glossaryck?!" Star called out. Moon and Star were in the monster temple searching for Glossaryck. "Glossaryck, can you hear me!"

"Star, I don't think he's in this room. Let's check another." Moon suggested.

"C'mon Glossaryck. You have to be somewhere." Star mumbled to herself. Star walked out of the room and came into a room that looked like it had been bombed. "What happened here?"

"This is the room where I fought Toffee. It's also the only room we haven't checked, so if he isn't here then there's no more places we can check."

"GLOSSARYCK! ARE YOU HERE!" Star screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Star be quiet!"


"If he's avoiding us we can't alert him."

"Yes, Star, I believe  your mother is right. You don't want to alert anyone." A voice said.

"Glossaryck, was that you?" Moon called out.

"Yes it was."

"Glossaryck! They turned you into a pole!?" Star shouted.

"I am not a pole. I'm right here." Glossaryck emerged from behind the pole. "Hello, Queen Moon."

"Hello, Glossaryck."

"Glossaryck, we need your help. How do we fix the magic in the universe. It's all messed up; we need it to help Marco." Star pleaded.

"Marco? Oh, is he okay?"

"No, the monster arm is back and now it's trying to control his whole body. We need you to tell us how to make the magic powerful again."

"Oh, yes the magic. Well to do that I must die."

"What!" The screamed in unison.

"Yes, it is quite shocking. I must die to go to the realm of magic and rebirth a better, stronger magic. Then one 9f you must also die to visit me and enhance that magic, bringing it back into reality."

"Ok, i'll do it." Moon stepped up.

"I'm sorry, Moon but it has to be Star. Her magic is far more powerful than yours."

"No! If you think i'm letting my daughter die then you are sadly mistaken."

"Don't worry Moon. She will return as well. And her wand also will change."

"C'mon, Mom! I can take it!" Star spoke.

"Fine. But if anything happens to her you will be punished, Glossaryck."

"Good. Now kill me."


"Hello, Marco. Ready to help me?"


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