Chapter 3 - Finding Star

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"Star, here I come." When those words escaped Marco's lips, he took a step into the rift between Earth and Mewni and landed inside Butterfly castle. "Wow, this place is a dump!" The place indeed was a dump. There was trash and food everywhere.

As Marco was examining the "castle" he was tackled by a energetic King River. "Marco my boy! How have you been? I hope nothing too crazy with my daughter seeing as you two are a couple."

"We're not a couple!" An angry Marco replied.

"Keep telling yourself that Marco, but you'll realise it soon enough." After that sentence Marco rolled his eyes at the King and decided to change topic.

"So River," Marco began "Star gave me this note saying you know where she would be. She left in quite a hurry and I was looking to know if she was in trouble."

"What? No, no. Of course she's not in trouble, Marco, it's just that she do8ng royal business with her mother that's all!"

"Oh thank goodness! So uh... do you know where she is? I was looking to talk to her about what happened before she left."

"Do i know where she is? Well of course I know where she is, she's my daughter for corn's sake!" River exclaimed. "But if you don't mind me asking, what happened before she left?"

"Oh well, long story short, Star told me she had a crush on me, but I already have a girlfriend, then she ran up to her room and I ran after her and when I opened her door her room was back to normal." As Marco finished his story he glanced over at River and saw a little smirk on his face.

"What did I tell you, my boy!"

"River that's not the point! Will you just tell me where Star is?"

"Oh alright, she's heading over to the sanctuary with her mother to rejuvenate the high commission."

"Thank you. But before i go, one more thing, where is that?"

"Oh don't worry Marco, I've got you covered. MANFRED!"

"Yes, Sire?" Manfred replied.

"Oh Manfred, there you are. Can you take Marco Diaz to the magic sanctuary?"

"Indeed, Sire. Follow me, Mr Diaz."

"Thanks, River." Marco said.

"No problem my boy. Oh Marco, one more thing,"


"Go get her!"

"Really, River?" Marco said, obviously annoyed by The King's final words to the boy. And with that, Manfred and Marco left the castle on the hunt to find Star.

I'm so sorry I'm late! It's just i got ill on Wednesday and Thursday, forgot about the next two days and i went away somewhere most of today. So because i feel bad im going upload two more chapters tomorrow. But until then, I'll be sleeping cause i got a lot of writing for tommorrow. P.S. Both chapters will provably be 1000 words l9ng or close to that.

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