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He sat silently in the back of the car, staring out the window as they drove through an unfamiliar village. There was no music playing in the car, leaving him to itch with irritation. He knew exactly where he was, having been in the 'forbidden' kingdom when he was six. The boy was now twelve who knows more about the sinful kingdom than the first time he came. 

Just thinking back on the memories made him cringe in disgust. He had actually talked and played with heterosexuals. Shuddering at the memory, he took notice that they finally entered the kingdom, heading towards the palace. Unlike his kingdom, there was nature everywhere. Trees would be everywhere you go and flowers would be everywhere you step. That was the only thing Yedam liked about the Kingdom. They were very nature based, unlike his own, where it was mainly technology that you'd see. 

It didn't take long for the car to arrive at the palace, stopping right in front of the round-about. The driver stepped out of the car and opened the door for them, letting the royals out. Without a thanks, the royals left the driver and took themselves inside. 

He was already tired of the dinner party and it just started. He avoided anyone he knew was a citizen of SM Kingdom, disgusted by their sinful acts. "Yedam!" Hearing his name, Yedam turned around, facing his Father. 

"Yedam honey, you know what to do, right?" Yedam nodded his head, tired of going through the rules a thousand times. 

"No conversations with servants, don't talk to heterosexuals unless it's the King, Queen, or Princess, and lastly stay in my class." His father smiled proudly, as if he taught him anything important. 

"Yes yes, now, I'm going to go with your Dad to discuss about important things. Stay in the ballroom Honey." His father pressed a short kiss on Yedam's cheek, earning a groan of annoyance before his father left with his dad. By the time they left, Yedam had let out his hundredth sigh that day. 

The ballroom was filled with people from different kingdoms. Pure kingdoms. "SM Kingdom is the only sinful kingdom in history." The twelve-year-old said to himself, earning attention from someone who stood not too far from him. 

"Too bad one prince out of all of the kingdoms will have to marry the princess." Yedam turned around, facing a familiar fourteen-year-old prince. He had only seen him in photo's while studying history and family trees, but he had never met the handsome prince himself. Until now. "I'm Prince Hwang Hyunjin from JYP Kingdom. It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Bang Yedam." 

Hyunjin bent on his knee, taking Yedams hand and kissing it lightly. "You look handsome, young prince." Yedam let out a quiet laugh. 

"I'm twelve, and you're trying to hit on me?" Yedam spoke in a joking manner, but they both know that the statement itself wasn't joking at all. Hyunjin let out a chuckle along with him, getting up from the ground. 

"You never know, we might be soulmates. Lovers, Kin, or Friends, we could be." Yedam shook his head, a smile never leaving from his lips. Hyunjin loved that. Absolutely loved that. 

"Sorry but I already have my Kin and Friend soulmate, though, I can put my bets down as lovers." Hyunjin gasped dramatically, covering his mouth cutely. Yedam couldn't help but think how cute Hyunjin looked. 

"Are you...flirting with me?" Before Yedam could answer, a boy walked up to them and tugged on Hyunjin's chiffon button up. "Hyung, Dad said that we should wait at the stairs with the other Princes to wait for the Princess. It's the main reason why we're here, anyway." 

Yedam knew exactly who the cute, thirteen-year-old boy was. He's Hyunjin's younger brother and took the second King's surname. "Prince Yang Jeongin, it's a pleasure to meet you." Yedam smiled kindly at Jeongin, making sure to catch his attention before the Princess comes. Jeongin could only blush, standing next to such a handsome boy. 

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