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Yedam woke up not too long ago, his body groggy as he stood by his window. His blinds were closed in a slant, his eyes able to peek down into the garden below. Though the garden in his palace was beautiful, he had to give it to the Heterosexual kingdom as their garden was truly marvelous. Yedam reached his right hand over, opening his window just a bit. 

Junkyu and Mashiho laid beside Chinmae, the three staring up into the sky as they chatted. Junkyu looked as handsome as ever, Yedam swooning at the sight of him. Even though Mashiho laid beside Junkyu, Yedam decided against giving Mashiho 'punishment'. "I guess he isn't that bad..." Yedam muttered to himself, propping his elbows on the window sill. A calming breeze passed through his window and into his room, causing the seventeen year old boy to shiver. 

"Junkyu, have you met any soulmates other than me?" Chinmae's voice came out softly, something Yedam didn't expect. The only time he heard her speak was during the dinner party a few years ago and her 'audition' that happened two to three years ago. Yedam heard Junkyu chuckle, a playful thoughtful leaving his throat. 

"I've met all of my soulmates except for one," Junkyu spoke hesitantly, "you're my friend soulmate but Yedam rules over you as he's my kin soulmate."

"Then you haven't met your lover soulmate?" Junkyu tensed up as Chinmae brought up his lover soulmate, Mashiho the only one noticing. Mashiho took Junkyu's hand into his, his thumbs rubbing circles on it. Yedam listened into their conversation, absent-minded. 

"Prince Yedam!" His door slammed open, the loud thud leaving the room and out the window. Yedam whipped his head around, staring at the servant who thought it was okay to simply burst into the young Prince's room without a knock. "What are you doing by the window-"

Yedam threw his body across the room, his hand slapping over the new servants mouth, hushing him. "Keita, what the hell," Yedam hissed, pulling away from the servant that almost got him caught. The young servant laughed apologetically, his right hand rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Sorry Prince Yedam, but Haruto and Jeongwoo wanted to call for you because they want to know what you'd like to wear for tonight's dinner," Keita smiled up at Yedam, his teeth shining against the sunlight. Yedam rolled his eyes, looking at the new servant as he looked at him in oblivion. 

"Keita, I'm not having dinner tonight. Tell Midam that I'd like to have dinner in my bedroom tonight. I'm not feeling well." Yedam lied, throwing his body onto his bed, bouncing slightly from the impact. Keita just nodded his head, taking his leave to tell Haruto and Jeongwoo the news. 

The door closed with a click, Yedam's eyes shutting as soon as it did. As if it was magic, Yedam fell asleep as soon as his eyes shut. It felt like a second had passed from when he closed his eyes to open them, but the sun was long gone. His large room was pitch black, the only light at peaked through was the small stripes of moonlight coming through from his blinds. 

Yedam's eyes slowly readjusted to the dark. Sitting up from the bed, a quiet squeak sounded in his ears. The bed formed beneath him as he shuffled his body to the side, sliding his feet into his slippers before standing up. He reached his arms up, feeling his back stretch nicely. "Yang Hyunsuk," A small black orb lit up, a blue light wrapped around the orb in a tiny, thin line. "What time is it?"

"It's twelve-forty-two," the orb responded, robotic voice lingering in the air for a bit. Yedam checked for the plate that he had asked for, but the room had no plate of food and instead a sticky note was plastered on his nightstand. Picking it up, Yedam took a lot of energy to just read the note. 

"Sorry Prince Yedam, the Kings didn't want us to serve you any dinner as you were being disrespectful to your guest. Midam." Yedam clicked his tongue, scowling as he threw the note onto the hardware floor. 

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