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"Fucking hell!" He lashed, swiping the top of his desk, his papers and files flying all over his study. "They tell me thirty minutes in advance!"

"Prince Yedam, I believe you're acting a bit too rash. The King and Queen did just leave your study." Junkyu sighed, unconsciously touching his cheek. Yedam looked at Junkyu in astonishment, standing up from his seat. Before he could pour out his rage and frustration on Junkyu, a voice stopped him. 

"Princes aren't supposed to have such vulgar language. To know you have learned such words will be bad for your image," Mashiho crossed his arms, looking at the Prince before him. "You know that your parents are pacifists. They're the only ones that want to end a war before it even happens, other than SM Kingdom. Just think about it, Prince, if it isn't you who will marry Princess Chinmae then who will? If it isn't us to stop a war, then who will?"

"I know you're frustrated and upset, but if this war were to happen you would have to fight in it and so will we," Byunggon continued Mashiho's thoughts, leaning against the door frame that lead to his bedroom. "also, think about Princess Chinmae. In her Kingdom, women don't have much power like women here. She probably feels like a toy that's easy to give away."

"But I'm exactly the same!" Yedam argued, growing more annoyed as his own servants sided with the Princess. He growled as he slammed his hands down on his desk, causing Junkyu to jump and move closer to Mashiho. 

"You don't get it, do you, Prince Yedam?" Yedam turned to look at Mashiho, watching him as he shook his head. "You're not leaving your kingdom, she is. If something happened to you, you have a sibling that would take the throne, she doesn't, and like what Byunggon said: in her kingdom, women don't have much power like women do here. Her customs will be brought here with her."

Yedam's mouth was shut, his bangs covered his eyes as he stared down at his desk. Their eyes bore into the top of his head, feeling their stares on him, but he avoided their gazes at all costs. Abruptly, he dropped down onto his seat and slouched. He laid his head on his clear desk, sighing. 

"Have Mahiro and Yoshinori clean up my study," He muttered, getting up from the seat and moving towards his bedroom. "Byunggon tell me when the Princess arrives, Junkyu I'd like you to prepare my main room for when Father and Dad forces us to talk with each other. Mashiho..." Yedam gave a short glance at Mashiho before looking back ahead of him. "I guess you can accompany me in my room."

Mashiho was more than dumbfounded by the statement, Junkyu feeling the same. Yedam had never seemed to like Mashiho for a reason no servant knew, they only guessed it was because he was rumored to be Junkyu's lover soulmate, which the two denied. Giving Byunggon and Junkyu wary glances, Mashiho followed Yedam into his bedroom. 

Yedam tossed himself onto his bed, using his forearm to cover his eyes from the bright light peeking through the blinds from his window. The silk he laid on crinkled below him, the dark wooden floor was shiny, so shiny that it made Mahsiho feel bad when he walked on it. 

"Mashiho, close the blinds, they're annoying me." Yedam ordered Mashiho, who only let out a squeak upon hearing his name. 

"Ah - yes, Prince Yedam." He piped, scurrying over to the window and shutting it. The room was dim, barely any light peeking through, which Yedam loved. He pulled his forearm away from his eyes, leaving his eyes closed. Mashiho's presence bothered him, it always did, so he wasn't sure why he had Mashiho follow him into his room rather than Junkyu. "P-Prince Yedam?"

"What." Mashiho flinched from the harsh tone, but he couldn't expect anything nicer from the young Prince. He slowly approached him on the bed, leaning onto the bed a bit, but he didn't sit on it completely, wanting to see Yedam's face. 

"Why do you not like me, if you don't mind me asking?" Yedam peeked open his left eye, looking at Mashiho who just looked at him shyly. Mashiho stood rather awkwardly against the bed, rubbing his elbow as he would hesitantly look into Yedam's eyes before looking away. Yedam took Mashiho's hand, pulling him into his bed. The two laid side by side, facing each other. Mashiho's face flared red, staring at the prince. 

"I don't like servants. I have no time to talk with petty servants. But Byunggon and Junkyu are my soulmates," Yedam started, feeling Mashiho tense slightly from the awkward position they were in. "and you're so close with Junkyu, he takes you everywhere he goes. I guess you can say I'm jealous."

Yedam wrapped his arms around Mashiho, pulling him closer to him as he started to drift asleep. "Prince Yedam...was it really necessary to pull me into your bed for you to tell me this?" Yedam shrugged. 

"Not really, but I've been wanting cuddles, attention, and some type of warmth for the past two years, it only got worse recently." Yedam sighed out, snuggling into Mashiho's chest, but Mashiho could only tense up. 

"P-P-Prince Yedam! Those are symptoms!" He pushed the Prince away, but Yedam only held on tighter. "You met your soulmate before you were fifteen and it's only getting worse because you're going to meet them soon!" Mashiho took Yedam's arms into his hands in attempt to pull him off of him, but Yedam stuck to him like a koala. "Prince!" 

Due to Mashiho's struggled and squirms, he and Yedam fell off the bed. Mashiho took the fall, waking Yedam up completely. Looking below him, he stared at a very VERY flustered Mashiho. The door swung open, footsteps rushing into the room. "Your Majesty what's wrong! The Princess is here-" Junkyu stared down at the two boys on the ground, bewildered by their position. "What the fuck happened?"

Yedam quickly got off of Mashiho, pinching the bridge of his nose as Mashiho slowly got up. "D-Did you hear me?" Mashiho asked, facing Yedam as he slightly coward away. Yedam could only sigh - yet again - he felt like that was the only thing he did the whole day. 

"I don't want to see the princess at all today. Mashiho, Junkyu, entertain her and tell Father and Dad that I fell ill," Yedam looked over to Mashiho, biting his lip when he noticed how scared he looked. "I heard you, well and clear. Now get out."

Junkyu bowed politely, Mashiho following before the two left Yedam in his bedroom. Yedam could only sit on his bed, thinking about who his soulmate could be and how much it hurts when you reject a soulmate. "I heard it's worse than giving birth!" He exclaimed to himself, sadness spreading through his body. "How did her people handle the pain...?"

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