김 준규 + ましほ

440 28 11

Day 2; First Day of Celebration

Mashiho didn't move. He knew he should be working, helping around the grand party on the first day of JYP's annual celebration, but he couldn't bring himself to get up. He felt weak, sad, and empty. The comfy bed he laid on gave him no warmth, the pillow wet from the tears that he didn't know that were falling. 

Junkyu stared at him, feeling helpless. Everything happened to fast, from Yedam being a sweetheart again, then Mashiho apologizing and indirectly confessing to the kiss he saw Yedam and Mashiho share and ending with...this. His hesitant fingers ran down Mashiho's side in attempt to comfort him. 

He should be with his princess, but he knew she could handle herself, especially since she now has her energy back. "Mashi..." Junkyu whispered sweetly in the youngers ear, his hand never leaving Mashiho's waist. "L-Let me do something, come with me?" 

It took a second, then a minute until Mashiho finally found the strength to nod his head. Junkyu pulled the Japanese boy up from the bed, holding onto him so he won't stumble. He lead him away, the two walking through palace that seemed much more like a maze to Mashiho. It took a while, but the two reached a large pair of french doors, the dark chocolate wood matched the exterior around it, wooden vines clung onto the cream colored walls. 

"Where are-" Junkyu hushed Mashiho, smiling sweetly at him. The taller pushed the doors open, revealing probably the largest room in the palace, well third to the ball and throne room. Bookshelves lined up against the wall, some standing in the middle of the room making aisles. 

On the second level, there was a couch with a coffee table, plants surrounding it. A large window stood behind the little lounge area, the moonlight coming right through the window perfectly. Mashiho marveled at the sight, his feelings from before washed away as excitement grew in him. 

The library was organized beautifully and he could do all the researched he wants on soulmates. His mouth that hung ajar curled into a smile, his eyes lighting up as he turned to meet Junkyu's loving eyes. "Kyu!" Mashiho squealed, "This is beautiful! Their library is WOW!" Junkyu chuckled at Mashiho's description, nodding his head in agreement nonetheless. 

"Well, pick out a few books and bring it up at that table, I made some of your favorite tea and snacks to help you study and research," Junkyu patted Mashiho's head, expecting an excited 'okay' but instead he received a pout. "What's with that face?" 

"What are you gonna do?" Junkyu shrugged at Mashiho's question, not thinking much on what he'd do. 

"I'll stare at you lovingly from afar and admire your focused expression as you study," he answer truthfully, making the younger flush in embarrassment. Mashiho squeaked before throwing a playful punch at Junkyu's stomach. "Okay okay, go ahead and start picking some books, I'll wait for you up there."

The two sat on the couch, Mashiho's eyes scanned the pages of the book, reading quickly. Every now and then Mashiho would write something down in his notebook, take a sip of his tea or eat another marshmallow. Junkyu considered himself the DJ as he was playing calming music in the background, currently playing 'instagram' by Dean. 

Junkyu popped a marshmallow in his mouth, eyes not leaving Mashiho. Mashiho looked adorable curled up against the edge of the couch, his knees pulled up to his chest as his arms wrapped around it, his hands holding up the book that he was reading and rested it on his knees. His eye brows would furrow from time to time and other times he would pout. His eyes brightened every time he would read something interesting, immediately going down to grab his notebook. 

His brown hair had grown a bit at their time in the kingdom, annoying him whenever he felt his bangs poke at his eyelashes. He would blow the hair up which would end up falling right back down after a minute or two. Junkyu wasn't surprised at how fast Mashiho was able to read, his eyes scanning through everything like it was nothing. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Mashiho didn't look up from his book, eyes glued on the words. He knew it was a very overused line, but how could he miss the chance to say it? Junkyu blushed as soon as those words left his mouth, hues of pink and red covered his whole face, neck, and ears. 

"W-will you actually let me?" Junkyu stuttered, becoming a panic gay. Mashiho quirked a brow, finally looking up from the book to see Junkyu's face. Upon seeing how flustered he looked, Mashiho let out a laugh, making sure to bookmark the book before setting it down. 

"You're so cute, Kyu," Mashiho giggled out, leaning over to Junkyu, his hand resting on Junkyu's shoulder as he tried to calm his laughter. His laughs and giggles were like music to Junkyu, something Junkyu didn't notice until that moment. It wasn't until that moment Junkyu knew that the reason why he was so upset when Yedam found his soulmate wasn't because Yedam didn't kiss him, it was because Yedam kissed Mashiho. 

Junkyu liked Mashiho.

As Mashiho struggled to calm his laughter, Junkyu took a glance at Mashiho's notes, reading them quickly. The notes caught him off guard. He's researching about the Prince's and Princess' predicament?

"Are you looking at my notes?" Junkyu turned away from the notebook, looking at Mashiho who now sat right in front of him. His laughter was now long gone, his expression showing his seriousness. With Junkyu's silence, Mashiho already knew the answer. "I can tell you how much I got if you'd like. I want to check in with Lisa and Jennie about this to make sure it's accurate, but I can tell you my theory." 


a mashikyu chapter bc they're uwu
ships in treasure13 are so unstable im confused now but they're still feeding us some type of content lmao

~ Her

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