민 친매

477 32 4

"Two fucking years later and I have to see this dipshit again!" She complained, throwing her hands up in the air as she stomped around like a little kid. "I knew I was going back to that kingdom, but I didn't expect that the Kings would accept me..." 

Jisung chuckled dryly as he followed down the stairs. He carried her bags despite her earlier complaints. Chenle could only roll his eyes at her bratty behavior, dragging her luggage down the stairs as his backpack was slung over his shoulder. "Mae, look on the bright side rather than complaining. First, our kingdom won't be going to war with all of the other kingdoms so there won't be any blood shed," He gave Chinmae a hard stare, but she didn't notice. "that is if you don't insult anyone. Secondly, at least you're not going alone this time. Jisung and I will be tagging along since it's our duty to be here for your needs. The other servants will come to visit here and there too."

"That's the only good thing about this kingdom." Jisung set her bag down when they reached the bottom of the staircase, now waiting for a few servants and the King and Queen to arrive to bid the princess goodbye. 

"What is?" Chinmae only sighed, leaving the question to linger in the air as she shook her head. A frown was set on her two servants and friends faces, giving each other wary glances. They weren't used to the princess acting this way, for all of the many years they've known her she never had acted like this. It was...unsettling to say the least. 

"Princess!" A famililar voice called out, multiple people running her way. She was pulled into a tight hug, a scent filled her body as more arms wrapped around her. After thirty seconds of being held in their embrace, they all let go of her. "You're going to grow up into a fine Queen, Princess."

Taeil handed her a pen, golden wings glistening from the sunlight that peeked through the windows from above. It was truly a fancy pen, very extra. "Of course you would give me this, Taeil." Taeil only shrugged, pulling her close to him, wanting to give her one last hug before the rest could say their goodbyes. 

"Your Majesty, Jaehyun and I will truly miss dressing you up every morning. Someone else will sadly take our jobs when you reach the kingdom." Taeyong ruffled his silver hair, taking a step to the left when Jaehyun appeared on his right. Chinmae slightly frowned, clearly noticing the action. 

"We will never forget those times you got us in trouble when you dressed up as a male, Your Highness. I'm surprised that we haven't been kicked out yet," Jaehyun joked, hoping to cheer up the mood, which it did. Chinmae cracked a small smile, though sadness lingered.

"Your Highness, did you keep the clay ring?" Jaemin asked, voice high and bubbly as he looked down at Chinmae, a hopeful look in his eyes. Haechan rolled his eyes, setting his hand on his hip. 

"Why would Royal Mae give away something we made with our blood, sweat and tears?" Jeno sighed, shoving the two other entertainers away as he pulled out a red velvet box from his slacks, handing it to her. Jeno smiled his famous eye smile as Chinmae smiled back. 

"Consider it an upgrade." Opening the red velvet box, Chinmae could only gasp as she looked down at the silver sterling ring, a red ruby set on top of it. She looked at the ring that wrapped her right thumb before taking the ruby ring, setting it on her right ring finger. 

"Thank you," Looking up at the three boys she grew up with, a bright smile displayed on her face, despite the tears that stung her eyes. "thank you so much." She pulled the three entertainers into a hug, hugging them tightly. 

"Hey hey, you're sixteen and you're still such a cry baby, Princess Mae." Jeno chuckled, pulling away from the princess to let the others say goodbye. They knew it was going to take a while. 

"Your Royal Highness, I expect you to be on your best behavior, much better on how you are here," Doyoung crossed his arms as he looked down at Chinmae. "at home." Jungwoo sighed, shaking his head before speaking softly. 

"What Doyoung means is that he wants you to take care of yourself, Your Majesty, and we will always be your home." Jungwoo translated what Doyoung had said in a kinder way, causing Ten to snort. 

"Poor Jungwoo, having to translate everything Doyoung says even though he's speaking Korean and only Korean," Ten teased, receiving a glare from Doyoung which he ignored, facing the Princess. "Dance well with the prince and don't forget what I taught you, Princess, use your hips." Ten winked at Chinmae, making Sicheng push him away. 

"Don't listen to Ten, he's being chaotic now," He sighed, facing his body towards Chinmae. "We'll miss dancing with you Princess, you truly were the best dancer in the palace." Chinmae smiled sweetly, thanking him quietly as she hugged him. 

"Min-Sama, please take care of yourself. Jisung and Chenle will do their best to be there for you, so don't neglect them." Yuta spoke in Japanese, petting Chinmae's head softly. "Yes yes, Yuta-san." She responded. 

"How come you don't reply to me in Mandarin when I speak to you in Mandarin?" Renjun crossed his arms as he eyed her. "Rude brat." He continued to curse in Chinese, making Chinmae roll her eyes, but nonetheless she pulled him into a hug. Renjun immediately shut up when he felt her embrace, hugging her back. 

"Your Royal Highness," Kun started when the two pulled away. "I made you some snacks on your journey. It will be the last of my cooking for a while." Jisung took the bag of food from Kun, holding onto it for the Princess. 

"Ah, Minhyung!" Chinmae spun around, looking for the honey haired boy she grew closest to. Minhyung stepped up from the group of servants that surrounded her, a perplexed look on his face before being tackled into a hug. 

"Woah, what's this?" He asked, his arms wrapping around his waist. 

"I'm going to do it." She told him, her voice filled with determination. Minhyung could only look at her with a confused expression before his eyes widened in realization. 

"What? Do it?" He was beyond bewildered. "Lady Mae, I don't think that's a good-" She interrupted him. 

"I'm going to do it. I want you and Hyuckie happy. I want Taeyong happy..." She whispered the last part, letting only Minhyung to hear. He immediately let go from her embrace, a sad expression on his face. 

"I think it's time for you to go, Lady Mae. We have taken enough of your time. Your parents wait for you outside with Johnny and Yukhei." Chenle and Jisung dragged Chinmae out the doors as she tried to wave everyone goodbye. Minhyung didn't wave back. 

"My dear daughter," The Queen hugged Chinmae tightly. "I will miss you here in the palace. It will be very quiet without you here, dear." 

"Your mother's right about that," The King chuckled, caressing Chinmae's hair. "It will be very very quiet without you here screaming and yelling about something every second. The young servants really had to deal with such a handful girl." 

Chinmae laughed lightly with her parents while Chenle and Jisung put her luggage in the trunk of the car. Her eyes traveled to the tall man who stood beside them. She barely ever got to speak with him, but when she did, the two would always feel at ease. The two had similar personalities and likes so they clicked when they were younger. "Bye Johnny." She mouthed, making sure her parents didn't catch her. 

She was soon sitting in the back seat beside Jisung and Chenle, the driver soon leaving the estate with Yukhei in the passenger seat. "I'm going to miss this place." Chinmae stated to herself, leaning back in her seat. 

"'This Place'? 'This Place' is your home, Your Mae-jesty." Yukhei looked at Chinmae through the rear view mirror. Chinmae sighed. 

"Not anymore, it's not."

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