민 친매 + 방예담

430 32 9

His hands ran through her hair, her pink lips parted slightly as she slept peacefully. His eyes stared down at her lovingly, but a shock of pain pierced through him. The sun peeked through the red curtains and Yedam laid awake, having not able to sleep the whole night. 

He had large dark circles under his eyes, his different colored eyes clouded with emotions that no one even he couldn't decipher. Yedams hands couldn't leave her body, not in a dirty way, but his arms stayed wrapped around her and his cold hands would soothe her burning skin. 

"Chinmae," he whispered softly in her ear, the pace of his heart matching hers. "It seems like I only have the guts to talk to you while you sleep." His breathing slowed, pacing it with hers. "I don't know what to do," his confession left quietly but came loud in the silent bedroom. "I get jealous of Kyu when he's with you but I cling onto Mashiho."

Their bedroom door swung open quietly, Junkyu stepping in the room with long and quiet strides. "Prince, we need to talk," Junkyu didn't beat around the bush, going straight to the point. Without any words, Yedam pulled his arms away from Chinmae carefully, hoping he won't wake her up. 

They stood in the corridor beside the door, making sure it was shut tightly before starting their conversation. "Yes, Kyu?" A sour expression was etched on Junkyu's face, his arms crossed across his chest. 

"Call off the arranged marriage," he was blunt, too blunt. Yedam was flabbergasted, staring at Junkyu in bewilderment. "You can marry your soulmate, I don't care, but I..." He paused mid-sentence, hesitation flashing over his face. "I love Chinmae. I want to marry her."

The deadly silence that followed was enough of an answer for Junkyu, his stoic expression never changing. It would seem like Asahi possessed him for the time being. "Is that all?" Yedam looked up at Junkyu, hollow eyes fixed on Junkyu's indifferent expression. "You want to marry Princess Chinmae?"

"Before that, though, you have the time 'til the moment we step in your palace back at home to announce whether you love her or not," Junkyu turned his body, getting ready to walk off. "And if you really do love her, I'll just live with it." Junkyu shrugged his shoulders, about to walk off, but Yedam reached over, taking his wrist into his hand. 

"Kyu," Junkyu turned around, "What about your soulmate...if you do marry the Princess..." Junkyu scoffed, lifting his face up towards the ceiling in irritation. He yanked his hand out from Yedam's grip. 

"Sorry to break it to you Prince, but I don't have a lover soulmate," Junkyu spat coldly, taking his leave. As he turned the corner, the bedroom door creaked open, pale eyes peeked out. Chinmae's hair was messy, sticking out randomly and her eyes were red and puffy, obvious signs that she was crying the night before. 

"He told you," was all that left her dry mouth, voice all hoarse and raspy. She pulled the door more open, revealing the rest of her body. Her clothes were drenched in sweat, her legs shaking as they wanted to give up. "He was scared of telling you that he had no soulmate," Chinmae stepped aside, letting Yedam back into the room. "And that he wanted to marry me."

Yedam stepped in, shutting the door behind him. "So he told you before?" He reached over to help Chinmae back to the bed, but she just pushed his hands away, walking there herself. Chinmae could only weakly nod her head.

"Yes, he told me about this before we came here," Chinmae shut her eyes tightly, drawing in a deep breath as the occasional shocks of pain passed. "He wanted to run away first and marry me, but it was too rash," her chuckles became a coughing fit. "He said I was in too much pain and that the only way for it to go away is to stay near my soulmate or to let go of him."

Yedam stood in front of Chinmae, guilty eyes watching her as it looked like she would die any moment. "We only spoke once? We never even see each other for more than an hour. We're about to get married to each other and we've been living with each other for a couple weeks yet we're still strangers." Yedam felt hopeless as the words that fell out of her mouth choked him in despair.  

"Princess," Yedam choked out uselessly, bending down to match his eyes with hers, but she averted them immediately. "Let's spend this week together so we can sort all of this out." His freezing hands wrapped around Chinmae's warm ones, pressing them together. "I...want to know you, not as the Princess who I'm forced to marry, not as the Princess who grew up in a heterosexual kingdom, but as a girl who's name is Min Chinmae."

Yedam leaned his head down, his forehead resting on their interlaced hands. "I know I'm dumb and rash. I know this is a strange 180 change, but I'm so conflicted I must at least do one thing right." Instead of pain ripping into her heart, a soothing fuzzy feeling filled her whole body. Her heart picked up it's pace, beating loudly, so loud she was afraid Yedam could hear it. 

She felt so weak when she was with him, but she was even weaker without him. 

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