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"I'm your soulmate now, so it does matter to me. If you care about her so much, then why didn't to accept her. If you accepted her then...then," Mashiho's fierce tone softened, his expression saddening. "Then maybe Junkyu would have a lover."
Hyunjin leaned against the corridor wall, standing at the corner, his foot propped up and rubbed against the wallpaper. His arms were crossed, the white ruffled button up he wore was half unbuttoned as a smirk lifted across his face. "Oh?" using his foot, he pushed himself off from the wall and walked away from the two who stood in front of the bedroom door, his shoes clacking against the hardware floor. 

Yedam stiffened at the clicking, his pupils decreasing in size with surprise. A chill ran down his spine, already knowing who the sound belonged to. Mashiho, on the other hand, simply stepped away from Yedam, taking his leave from the young prince. The servant enjoyed the lonely walk through the long, large corridors, taking the time to clear his thoughts. 

Unlike Junkyu, he didn't have the time to mope around as Yedam always asked him to be by his side unless told otherwise. "How did Junkyu hyung handle him," Mashiho sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I want him back."

~민 친매~

Her eyes closed, her energy drained after the wave of pain passed. Junkyu's hand continued to move around on her back, moving in a soothingly circular motion. His fingers occasionally drew shapes, like stars and hearts along her back, distracting her from the pain she went through. 

"Princess, I'm going to help set up the grand dinner, I will be back to escort to the dining hall when the food is ready," Junkyu leaned in against her ear, whispering softly. Chinmae weakly nodded her head, her eyes too heavy to open and see her first soulmate leave. 

Junkyu pulled away from her, setting the blanket on top of her to replace his warmth. He crept out of the room, wishing her a good nap as he set his hand on the golden door knob. With one movement, the swung open. The hall was empty, an eerie silence filling his body when the door behind him shut tightly. 

Chinmae heard the click of the door, drifting off to sleep. It felt like seconds had passed. A hand shook her body, in a way she wasn't familiar with. Their hands felt rough against her body, a sense of fear jolted through her body. The princess sat up quickly, noticing how dark the room was compared to when she closed her eyes. 

In front of her stood a shadow of a boy, his build unfamiliar to the princess. A slight scream erupted from her lips, shocked by the situation she was suddenly in. Her mouth opened for a quick second, sound escaping quickly before a hand smashed against her lips, an attempt to shut her up. 

He hushed her, "Hey, It's just Prince Jeongin, no need to worry." Chinmae's mouth clamped shut, a sign for the prince to pull his hand away. The lights flickered on when his hand came back to his side, the older prince of the two stepped out into Chinmae's view. 

"Princess, we have some...questions for you," Hyunjin locked the door before taking the nearby chair, making sure no one would be able to come in. "It'll be quick, no worries." He smiled sweetly, but there was something about it that made Chinmae's stomach churn in fear, sorrow, and anger. 

"Yes?" Chinmae squeaked, feeling the eyes of the brothers stare down at her like hawks preying on their upcoming dinner. Jeongin averted his gaze, sitting on the nightstand beside her. 

"What happened to the Prince?" Hyunjin took a seat beside the princess, his weight shifting the bed. "His eyes - I mean - and his soulmate situation." Chinmae didn't say anything, her eyes staring down at her hands. Her fingers danced along the seam of the blanket that laid over her, the soft silk calming her. The question hung in the air for a minute until Chinmae's mouth opened slightly. 

"I don't think it's any of your business," she started, using a professional tone, "And if you really wanted to know, ask the prince himself, he would love the attention." Her tone shifted to sarcasm as her sentence went on, Hyunjin noting it. "If you wanted to play detective then play some where else, I don't want to babysit."

"Oh? Princess, you shouldn't say such things to heirs," Hyunjin mused, setting his hand on the opposite side of her. He leaned up and moved his face closer to hers, but she seemed unfazed. "Especially to heirs of a kingdom with the best military of the big three kingdoms."

Chinmae's lips parted, a snarky remark about to sound from her throat, but it was replaced with a whimper. The feeling of pins push into her skin all around her body was something she was used to, but her breathing hardened and her heart beat noticeably slowed down. Her hearing was muffled, the sound growing louder before quieting down only to grow louder again. It felt like she was drowning in the deep ocean, cold water covering every part of her body. 

"Princess?" Jeongin threw his arms around her when her body gave up, slowly laying her down onto the silk bed their servants set up for them. He ignored the red that grew from his pinky, his eyes filled with worry analyzed her. The princess was sweating profusely but her body was freezing cold, her hands clutched her heart tightly. "Hyung, unlock the door and find one of their servants."

Hyunjin didn't waste second, jumping onto his feet. His shoes clacked against the flooring, louder and faster than before, gaining attention from a servant who was just wandering the halls. "Is something wrong, Prince Hwang Hyunjin?" Hyunjin stopped in front of him, panting slightly. 

"Princess Chinmae collapsed," he spoke quickly, taking a deep breath in before continuing. "She's in her bedroom with Jeongin. Aid her, quickly." The servant nodded his head, jumping into action. When the door slammed open, Chinmae called out a name. 

"Junkyu? Kyu?" Jeongin stepped away from Chinmae, looking up at the servant who came in. The servant replaced Jeongin, his hand taking Chinmae's, clasping it with both hands. He cupped them tightly, giving her some type of warmth. 

"Y-Yeah...I'm here now," he whispered, gulping guiltily, "Junkyu's here now." 

"Mashi-" Mashiho hushed Jeongin with pleading eyes, mouthing the words 'I'll explain later', to which Jeongin nodded to. Hyunjin stood by the door, looking over his shoulder. Tension was high around Hyunjin, his lips pulled into a thin line. 

"Prince Yedam, what type of shit did you pull for this mess to happen?"

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