민 친매

417 29 2

"Lastly, this is your room," the fourteen year old boy opened the door, letting the Princess and her servants into the room. Her room was marvelous. A queen sized bed was sitting in the middle of the room, maroon silk covered the dark chocolate bed frame. Fluffy and soft pillows surrounded the silk pillows along the head, making the bed seem very comfortable. Her room had the color theme of red, black, and dark brown and Chinmae loved it very much. There were one door of each side of the room. The left side lead to her servants quarters, where Jisung and Chenle would be staying, and on the other side was her dressing room/bathroom. 

"It looks wonderful," Chinmae marveled, walking further into the room and taking a seat on her bed, "absolutely wonderful."

"Mi'lady is this all? If so, I shall leave to help prepare for your welcoming dinner tonight," the boy set her bags and luggage on her marble, bedroom floor. 

"Yes, this will be it. Thank you Yeongue," Yeongue smiled cutely, his eyes disappearing as he took a bow. Once standing up straight, he pulled his blazer down a bit before leaving the room. He shut the dark brown door quietly. Chinmae let out a loud sigh, groaning almost. 

"All the servants here are so uptight with me, it's annoying," she complained, throwing her body fully onto the red silk bed. "Why can't they just think of me as a friend?" Chenle clicked his tongue, unpacking Chinmae's items and setting them up around the room. 

"Mae, their customs are different than ours. The servants here aren't that close to their masters unlike us," Chenle explained, taking the framed photos out from a luggage and setting them onto a black shelf. Almost all of the photos was of Chinmae and the servants, her servants. There was a soft knock at the door, Jisung being the one closest to it opened the door. 

"Hello, Princess, the Prince asked us to keep you company around the palace as your servants unpack for you," a handsome man bowed politely. Chinmae pulled her body off from the soft bed, falling onto her feet with a slight jump. "Where would you like to go first, Princess?"

"Take me to the prince, I'd like to chat with him," Chinmae wanted to throw up as she spoke very politely to them, not used to talking so uptight with servants - or with anyone other than royals. The taller servant shook his head, a forced smile on his face. 

"I'm sorry Princess but the Prince is not feeling well," he held his hand out for her to take, his white glove blindly clean. "so Mashiho and I will take you somewhere in the palace to entertain you." Chinmae frowned slightly upon the statement, her hands fixing her uncomfortable and itchy dress as she walked towards the two. 

"I'll stay in my room then, thank you very much," Chinmae took the golden doorknob into her small, soft hands, about to shut the door before Chenle spoke up. 

"Mae, go with them and learn more about the palace. Jisung and I will not be going anywhere. We'll even send a message to hyungs about how you're doing!" Chenle assured her, setting down one of Chinmae's many photos. "So go have fun here." She could only sigh, her hands gripping onto the white mesh fabric that flowed out, above of her silk layer. 

"I guess I'll check out the garden for the first hour," Junkyu smiled as she gave in, holding his hand out further and closer to her. Chinmae, with much hesitation, set her hand in his, letting him hold onto her hand gently as he lead her to the garden. 

Mashiho closed the door gently behind them, following the two in the hallway. The large windows on the side brought in plenty of light, the sun shining bright in the dark tones halls. The red velvet carpet as they walked on was clean, very clean that Chinmae would've believed that they had just bought it the day before. 

Her heels didn't click annoyingly against the floor, which she was grateful for. They walked in silence for a while. "Junkyu! Mashiho!" Upon hearing their names, the two turned around, Chinmae following. There were two boys, wearing the generic white button-ups with black blazers. They were servants of the Bang's Palace alright. "Oh, you must be the Princess. We've heard lots about you." The two bowed respectfully, smiling cutely. 

"Why were you two looking for us?" Mashiho questioned, stepping up from behind Junkyu and Chinmae. The two boys stared at Chinmae, their smiled never faltering. It made her think that all of these boys were robots since all they did was smile. She hasn't seen anyone of them NOT smile. 

"We were wondering what the Princess would like to wear for the dinner with the Kings and Prince tonight," one explained. 

"And we heard that you guys knew most about her since Junkyu has seen her profile and Mashiho had a discussion with the Kings about this marriage," the other one continued, his eyes into the shape of a crescent moon. "but it seems like the Princess is here for us to ask."

"If you don't mind me asking," Chinmae looked at the two boys strangely, pulling up her elbow length gloves. "who are you guys and why would you need to know what I'd like to wear for dinner tonight. I think an introduction would be nice to have rather than to just always jump straight to the point, don't you think?" The two boys only continued to smile, ticking Chinmae off a bit. 

"Ah yes, I'm Choi Hyunsuk, your clothing stylist," he brushed his blonde hair to the side. The other boy mimicked his movement, silver highlights (?) shined as the sun reflected light off from them. 

"I'm Park Jihoon, your makeup artist. It's a pleasure to meet you princess," he started, "but we really need to know what you would like to wear for the dinner tonight." 

"Anything comfortable," Chinmae responded quickly, shuffling her dress a bit as it was irritating her body again. "Please, I've had enough of my fathers ridiculously uncomfortable dresses." The two only smiled at her response before walking away. Junkyu turned back to look at Chinmae, staring at her hand before looking at her in her eyes. 

"Shall we continue?" She could only nod her head, turning away from him and continued to walk. It didn't take long for them to get to the garden and soon they wandered around, enjoying the nature around them. 

"Uhm...Mashiho? Junkyu?" Hearing their names, they turned to look at the princess, staring down at her as she laid on the grass. "Instead of awkwardly standing there, come lay down with me too. The sky looks especially nice today."

"Princess, I don't think we can," Mashiho was the first to speak up, his smile back on his face. 

"No, come lay with me. That's an order." Junkyu felt a shiver run down his spine, clearly hearing the tone she used. Mashiho didn't feel what Junkyu felt and only sighed, going to lay beside the Princess. 

"Princess, did you just use that tone?" Chinmae furrowed her eyes brows, unaware of the tone she let out. 

"What do you mean?" She questioned, sitting up from her laying position. 

"Is she having symptoms too?" Mashiho added, looking at Junkyu. 

"What do you mean by symptoms?" Chinmae was frustrated, not understanding a thing that was happening. 

"Do you not know?" Junkyu added to the many questions that were being asked, making her blood boil in frustration and rage. She clicked her tongue. 

"Why would I be asking if I knew?" She growled underneath her breath, her teeth clenched as she looked at the two boys. Junkyu shivered once again, and Mashiho could only guess that she used the tone again. 

"Were you never taught about what would happen if someone were to meet their Lover Soulmate before the age of fifteen?" Chinmae shook her head, impatient. "Well, usually when someone meets their Lover Soulmate before the age of fifteen they have symptoms which include craves for hugs, cuddles, and kisses, craving for pregnancy food, always being tired, sexual frustration and the tone people use to rule over their Soulmates when needed."

"That's the tone you're using on Junkyu," Mashiho finished, looking at Chinmae as she looked at the two weirdly. 

"If this is a prank, you guys truly suck," She laid back down, slowly feeling at ease again despite how tense the two servants were. "I've never been near a girl who didn't have her Lover Soulmate, so how could I have met her? My parents made sure I'd never meet a girl with no Lover Soulmate, I've been surrounded my males my whole life. Funny joke, ha ha."

Her sarcastic laugh lingered in the air, but Junkyu and Mashiho could only give each other wary glances. 

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