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i watched as the heavy rain drops hit the floor in front of me. my bus was running late by 20 minutes and i was freezing.

i let out a sigh while skipping a few songs on spotify. i stopped on 'ocean eyes' by Billie Eilish.

as i listened to the lyrics, a big black van pulls up.

without hesitation i pull both earphones out as the back window was being rolled down.

it revealed a young girl, deep blue hair, fair pale skin, a beautiful smile and the most gorgeous eyes i've ever seen.
for a minute it looked as if she was asking whoever was driving the van a question

"hey shorty, do u need a ride?"she shouted as the rain started to clear up.

"um.. me? are you sure?" i blatantly replied.

"fuck yeah! you look cold and plus you look like you'd be a nice friend, my driver said he doesn't mind you getting in." she shouted over to me. i instantly loved her personality and i recognised her. but i don't know where from.

"oh well, thank you so much!" i said with a sigh of relief. i pulled my hood over my head, grabbed my bag and ran round to the door.

she slid open the van door and helped me inside. her hands were the softest things i've ever felt.

"hey, what's your name then?" she asked me before i could get comfortable.

"my names jolie" i said with a little smile.
i pulled down my hood and looked at my phone to turn my music off.

that's when it hit me.

it was billie eilish.


after a short ride out of the street, we got a real conversation going.

"my names billie" she told me. as if i didn't know

"yeah, your billie eilish... right?" i asked hoping she'd say yes so i didn't make a fool out of myself.

"oh yeah, you know me?" she said with little hesitation, cracking a small smile.

"yeah, i'm literally in love with your music, don't worry though i'm not gonna harass you for pictures or to sign things, that's probably not what you want right now."

"fuck yeah you are so cool, i'm glad you think that. where are you staying tonight?" she quickly replied

"i'm supposed to be going to my friends house tonight, but she won't answer any of my texts or calls..." i say as i look down to see what time it is, 9.32pm

"it's getting kinda late don't you think? do you need somewhere to go? you could crash with me! i'm going to a friends house, we're having a movie night and it would be cool if you came." she seemed quite eager for me to come but i wasn't to sure.

"are you sure?" i asked shyly.

she put her hand on my shoulder,
"of course i'm sure, i think they'll love you!"
she says reassuringly.

"um okay i could probably do with a place to stay tonight, thanks" i say to her with a small grin.

"hey bil, don't be getting up to anything" said a deep voice coming from behind. we both turned around to see finneas raising his eyebrows at billie. i'm not to sure what he was doing.

"fin! shut the fuck up dude you're not helping!" she shouted, reaching over to lightly punch his leg.

"i'm lost..." i said confusingly.

"well bil-" and before finneas could finish billie butted in.

"no! it doesn't matter finneas!" she glared back and him 'just ignore him' she rolls her eyes and i giggle a little.

"sisterly love" i hear from the back

how i fell in love with billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now