chapter 10

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!trigger warning for this chapter!


jolie seemed to be comfortable in telling me the reason she cried earlier. i gently placed my hand on her thigh for comfort and she put her hand on mine.

"so basically, the reason i'm moving to LA with ruby is because i used to live in San Diego with my parents and two sisters." she said, she took a deep breath and reassured herself before continuing.

"i've known her since we were born and were best friends so obviously it was my first choice, plus i've known the twins for god knows how long so we thought it would be best for me living here" she explained.

"best for you?" i asked.

"well... my sisters being so young they had to move in with our grandparents."

"they had to? why?" i asked, i panicked a little because i was so unaware.

"my parents got divorced. about a year and a bit ago. and things were just tough on my mom and she was having so many battles with her mental health and she became depressed and one thing led to another and..." she spoke too fast and she was running out of breath.

"hey, jolie calm down. breathe, it's okay" i held her head in my hands so she looked at me. i watched as her eyes glossed over.

"okay, sorry..." she sighed.

"it's okay don't apologise" i hugged her.

"um where was i, oh yeah. so my mom was having a rough time and eventually she became severely depressed. which lead to, y'know... suicide." she looked down at her hands when she said this. my heart broke to see or even hear her talk about this. let alone the fact she had to go through it basically alone.

"jolie, i'm so sorry" i pulled her in for a hug and instantly she had her arms around me, holding me tight.

"it's okay, it was about 2 months ago." she said with her head on my shoulders.

"look, i'm always here for you okay. if you ever need to talk to me i'll be here no matter what" i lifted her head again and held her shoulders so she knew i meant what i said.

"thank you" she smiled and a tear fell from her shining eyes, i wiped it away and kissed her forehead. she looked up and kissed my lips.

"this is what i meant by something so terrible lead to the best thing that's happened to me" she cupped my head in her hands and kissed me again. this time it lasted longer and felt more passionate.

before i knew what had happened, i was lying down with jolie on top of me, still kissing me.
i let my hands run through her hair and down her back, holding onto her waist whilst kissing her back. i felt her tongue on my lips, almost immediately i fought back. it was an intense few minutes which soon slowed down and cane to a hault.

"you're so gorgeous" i said while she lay next to me, i turned to face her and she moved up to rest her head against my shoulder and she draped her arm around my torso.

"i feel so safe when i'm with you" she mumbled, drifting off to sleep.

"good, because i swear to god if anything ever happens to you or anyone tries to hurt you i'll be the first one they'll have to deal with" i told her.

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