chapter 8

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oh shit. i called her babes by accident, it just came out. fuck, i was so embarrassed i quickly messaged her because i knew she was gonna feel so awkward now.

hey, i didn't mean to call you that, it just kinda slipped out. sorry if i just ruined stuff.

what? no you didn't ruin anything, i liked it to be honest :)


yeah, you made me smile, anyway bil, tomorrow do you want a ride to the party?

yeah thanks, i've gotta go now shorty bye.

byeee miss u.

she said she misses me, i smiled so much to myself my cheeks physically hurt.



"jolie... hey, jolie!" i woke up to ruby shaking me and shouting my name down my ear.
"wake up you lazy ass!" she shouted

"alright alright! i'm up! what?" i groaned as i sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"you slept in, it's 12pm jolie. you need to get ready to leave" she explained while holding her phone in my face. i squinted my eyes at the bright screen and read the time.


"shit. okay get out i'll be ready in like 10 minutes" i said as i jumped up and pushed her out my room.

it took me little to no time to get ready as i literally do the bare minimum. i washed my face, did my makeup which consisted of mascara and highlighter and threw on my clothes.

i wore an oversized black long-sleeved jumper dress and some black boots and quickly brushed out my hair, leaving its natural blonde beach waves as they were.

"i'm ready come on!" i shouted to ruby as i ran to the door with my phone up to my ear.

"who you calling?" she asked

"billie, i asked if she wanted a ride yesterday and she said yeah... wait... hey! bil we're on our way" i muttered into the phone

ruby got in the car while i stood outside talking to billie. eventually she got bored and knocked on the window for me to get in.

"come on!" she mouthed while i looked into the car in response of her knocking.

"bil i'm setting off now see you soon" i jumped into the car and set off to billies.


we quickly got to billies and i got out of the car to go get her. i knocked on the door and waiting for a little bit and finneas opened the door.

"hey jolie, come in billies nearly ready" he said while directing me in.

"jolie! i'm coming hold on." billie shouted from upstairs.

how i fell in love with billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now