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i walk back into the room, ruby has gone to the bathroom leaving me alone with the twins for a while.

the twins stare at me with their eyebrows raised.

'what dude?' i said to elijah

'so, you and jolie... are you two like...' he asks.

'what! nah dude. listen i know i'm bi and stuff but she don't know that, plus she's straight so it would never work' i sigh.

'uh' blurts isaac...

'what?' i say 'why are you looking at each other like that? tell me.' i say sternly

'bil, jolie aint straight... shes bi as well, just like you!' he explains. 'you two are cute, i think you'd work out so well, i mean you were obviously flirting with her.'

'what!? she's bi!' i say excitedly 'and was it that obvious i was flirting? but does this mean i have a chance with her do you think?' i blush and get butterflies in my belly just thinking about her lying on my shoulder.

'yeah girl, i think you'd have a chance, she might think you're straight though bro so you'll have to make it obvious you aren't' says isaac.

'yeah i might. she's so cute' i smile to myself.

'aw billies got a crush billies got a crush' they chant and jolie walks in.

'shut the fuck up' i whisper.

'ohh! a crush, who's your crush' she asks smiling at me.

'i- uh- i cant tell you' i stutter.

'damn i thought we were friends now bil' she says jokingly.

'no no we are it's just- i don't know' i stutter again, going red in the face as our eyes make contact.


it quickly gets to 3am and everyone is yawning. the tv volume is turned down by jolie.

'hey elijah, isaac where am i sleeping?' asks jolie

'uhhh you could crash on the couch if you wanted.' they answer slowly.

'ugh okay' she sighs.

'what's up?' i asked her, i looked to my right to see her eyelids closing.
i nudge her a little.

'wh- uh- oh, nothing i'm just really tired is all'
she says mid-yawn.

'do you want to sleep in the spare bed? i can sleep on the couch if you want' i say to her, hoping she'd take the offer.

'oh no no, it's okay really i'll just wait for you guys to head to bed' she tells us and she stretched out her legs.

'hell naw, i'm letting you sleep in the bed' i tell her. i get up and pull her up. she walks sleepily behind me as i guide her to the bedroom.

'you really don't have to bil' she groans from behind

'yeah i do jolie, i'm not making you stay up for ages waiting for us'
she seems too tired to reply. i pull the blanket off and let her get in, she chooses the left side of the bed and i tuck her in. she snuggles up to the covers and falls straight asleep like a baby. a really cute one.
i tip toe out of the room, turning the lights off as i leave and walk down the hall back to the twins.

when i sit back down next to isaac, my phone buzzes...

jolie: i don't like being alone

'uh, guys i'm just gonna go grab a drink' i lie to them and i slowly walk to the bedroom.

huh? do you want me to come back?: me

jolie: could you? :)

alright be right there : me

a million feelings rush through my body as i went back to jolie. i can't believe she wants me to come back.

i open the door slowly and peek in. there she was, facing the empty side of the bed.

'hey' i whispered.

'hey' she whispered back.

'what do you wanna do?' i asked her quietly.

'i just wanted you to be here with me' she shyly said, starting to hide her face with the covers.

'okay' i say as i climb under the blanket.

we both face each other and smile.


we ended up talking for hours, but soon drifting off to the silence of the house.

i woke up by jolie moving in her sleep. she was moving closer to me until she was right against me.
she had her head pushed up to my shoulder and she draped her arm around me. hugging me in her sleep.
she gave me butterflies and i could feel my cheeks hurting from smiling.

how i fell in love with billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now