The reaping

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Katniss POV

2 weeks later

Today is the reaping. I am dressing Lily in the outfit prim wore on her first reaping. and braiding her hair so it looks just like mine. Then I attack my mockingjay pin that I gave to Lily for her fourth birthday on her chest! "To protect you." I say and with that she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight! Then my family and I walk to the justice building for the reaping. I see Effie up on stage wearing the exact same thing she wore for peeta and I first reaping where we got picked to fight. "hello ladies and gentleman. as usual ladies first." Effie says in a sad voice as she walks over the the reaping ball for the girls and picks up a slip of paper and walks to the microphone. "and our girl tribute for the 76th annual hunger games is.... Lily Mellark." without even thinking I volunteer. "I volunteer as tribute." I say with a strong voice. I look over at peeta and say "what were you do don't volunteer. promise me?" "but katniss-" "no I don't want to hear it, you have to promise me you won't volunteer" I say "I-II- I promise." He finally ends up saying. With that I walk up on stage. "and now for the boys." Effie says. As Effie is walking over to the reaping ball I mouth to peeta "dont volunteer" he doesn't even respond. and our male tribute is.... Ryan Micheal mellark." I feel tears starting to form. "I volunteer as tribute." I hear a familiar voice say. Then I see peeta walking up on stage and I glare at him as is to say how dare you lie to me........

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