VI. A new friendship

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Just imagine Jin with pink hair guys.   >..< 


Park Jimin pov

That kind smile dropped right off his face.

My eyes widened, "I'm s-so sorry, I didn't me-mean to a-anger you". The pinkette just looked at him with a blank expression, "Come" he said and walked into his room. The elder sat down on his bed and motioned for me sit down as well, I sat on a chair in front of him. After a few mintues of silence, he cleared his throat and started speaking "Yes, you were right, I am Kim Seokjin but I'm no longer the famous model", He looked at me dead in the eye and said, "They kicked me out for being too fat and", He paused, "And gay".

I just sat there, not knowing what to do, my mind was buzzing with questions like 'Why are you here then?', 'You could've stayed in your own house', 'They kicked you out for your sexuality? Nothing new there' , but who am I to ask him all this? I'm a nobody. "Uh-I-I used to work at a cafe, Seokjin hyung", I felt that he should know something about me in order for him to feel comfortable around me. "You can call me Jin hyung" he said and I nodded. "I had a normal li-life, I mean, I kind of did un-until I caused a huge m-mess. I have a-anger issues and I-I can't con-control it ver well. I-I am a bit shy and I st-stutter around strangers until I-I get used to th-them" I took a deep breath as I managed to put bits and pieces of my story through.

I am not the kind who tells everyone my story but Jin  had this aura to him, a warm one which made me feel comfortable about my story because he looked like he also felt a connection with me. Jin gave me a light smile and I instantly relaxed, my shoulders slumped a bit and I sat more comfortably. "I guess that I'll learn your whole story another day Jimin, mine isn't very special, I've been here for the past 1 year." I watched him speak, he looked a tad bit indifferent, "Hyung, a-are you comfortable speak-ing-g to me?". The pinkette slightly nodded his head and thought for a second before he continued, "Yes Jimin, as a matter of fact, I also suffer from social anxiety, thanks to the media and it's been a long time since I spoke properly to anybody so I might look a bit edgy but I'm trying to make myself feel accustomed to people and socializing. I want to go back to how I was but it seems so impossible".

 Jin's story was again vaguely familiar, going back seems impossible, It's something which I feel everyday but again, there are people who get completely cured and go back home. I heard Jin sigh, "You want to know why I'm here?, I'm here because I have Bulimia, Insomnia and Alcohol addiction". I blinked, my mouth forming an 'Oh', I decided not to say anything. 

He should get comfortable, I should let him settle into his zone. Now, how do I know all this you may ask, Well, I have been observing the way the doctors treat the patients in every single 'asylum', I only have anger issues so I'm your normal person when I'm not angry. I have seen how they make the other person feel comfortable and I'm trying to do the same with Jin.

Jin  started speaking again after a few minutes "Jimin-ah, how long has it been since you've seen or heard any news from the outside world?", "It's been an year and a half hyung, I started working at a cafe before graduation and that's where it all got out of hand", He looked at me with a neutral expression, "I see". 

"I took a break for two months two years back, I was tired with all the modelling, photo shoots and hectic schedules." I leaned forwards and he continued "I'm going to tell you my story Jimin-ah, the one which only my father knows."



Kim Seokjin pov

I drew in a deep breath as I exited the company's building, 'I'm finally free, for the next two months at least' ,That one thought pumped me up as I got into the car and drove back home. The skyline of Seoul appeared more prominent thanks to the mango sunset that hung behind it, I rolled the windows down the evening winds greeted my handsome face. As soon as I reached home I went straight to my mother to give her the present which I bought for her long back.

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