XI. Mysterious boy

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Jeon Jungkook pov

The clock blared and I woke up bleary eyed, today was the day, today is the day, where a cold, heartless, stiff, emotionless mafia gangster like me has to go and work with mentally-ill people. 'What has my life come to', I think as I brush. I spent the last two days being a couch potato, being a bit free, I channeled my inner sloth.

I heard the toaster 'ting'. I was making bacon and eggs, the aroma of this heavenly combination never gets old. After having my breakfast, I locked my apartment and went down to the parking lot as I sipped on my banana milk. I may be a gangster but I like my banana milk so if you bitches decide to judge me, fuck you then.

As I got into my car, my phone buzzed. Weird, Nobody texts me because they don't know about this number of mine, not even Lisa. I unlocked my phone to find a text just as I thought, I opened it. 

"You actually thought that you can hide your number from me JK?, I'm not the software specialist for nothing y'know. All the three of us, Yoongi, Namjoon and I spoke to Lisa. We'd be coming over tonight, better have some soju and beer ready - SUNSHINE"

'Hyungggg!', I mentally groaned and actually face palmed. They really have to come over, that too on this day. I should change out of my uniform before I get home then or they won't let me have the end of it.

~Half an hour later~

I parked my car and stared at the building for a good 5 minutes, I noted all the possible entry and exit points which I can use in case of emergencies. Nodding to myself, I walked into the building and all I can see was white.

I'm not complaining, white is my favorite color, I'm wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of 'not ripped and clean' jeans along with my timberlands. Walking upto the receptionist, I cleared my throat, "I'm here to see Kim Jennie".

On cue, I heard heels clicking against the white tiled floor. A lady with long black hair, sharp eyes and a face that said 'I'm nice but try fucking with me and you'll die a slow painful death'. Not bad, Lisa's choice is pretty good, they'll make a good couple, When Lisa said that she worked as a nurse, I expected a meek, gentle and soft looking person but looks like Lisa got a dom. 'Why am I even saying this?' , Sighing, I turned to Jennie with my usual blank and straight face.

Jennie broke out into a large childish smile as I turned to her, "Hello Jungkook-ssi, I've heard a lot about you from Lisa" and she bowed. "Hmm, Jennie right? I came to know about you 3 days back", She smiled at me, I expected a small frown but nevertheless, "Please follow me, I'll give you a briefing about how things work here, we have many good people here, I hope that you'll have a good time working with them Jungkook-ssi".

I hummed in response,'I hope so too, I don't want crazy chicks clawing my face off', Jennie came to a stop in front a brown door and opened it, gesturing me to walk inside. "Please take a seat Jungkook-ssi". I sat down but my mouth decided to open itself, "Lisa can learn some manners from you"

Jennie snickered in response, "Lisa is a small bean, a very cheeky one but that's what makes her more special. Right Jungkook-ssi?", I offered a small, very small smile in return. 'She's a keeper'. "Plus, you yourself should call me noona, I'm an year older than you", I pressed my lips into a thin line, 'She's got some guts to speak to me like that'. "I don't use honorifics much" I shrugged. 

Her penciled eyebrows shot up by a millimeter, it was almost unnoticeable but nothing escapes my sight."Alright, now lets get down to work, there are a few things here which need to be said and then we're done, so lets start", Jennie finished as she sat down.

1. Do not harm the patients or say any negative things to them. Always engage in positive conversations and try to motivate them. "You see, most of the patients here suffer from depression. One small negative comment can send them down the drain and may have large consequences. Moving on,"

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