III. The Jeons

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Jeon Jungkook pov

"Rise and shine sleepy bunny!", I groaned and turned over, pulling the sheets over my head. 





I was used to this shit as it happens everyday morning but I couldn't help it so I went with my usual dialog "OW, THAT HURT! YOU --" and I was cut off, THE Jeon Jungkook was cut off my none other than his sister, who was younger than him. "Tut tut" she shook her head from side to side sassily, "It's getting late bunny, better get up now or I'll ask Jung-hyun to drag your bitter ass downstairs". 

'Ugh, how many times have I told her not call me that, hold up, Jung-hyun?, don't even get me started on that dickhead. That son of a bitc-', I was cut off again, Lisa put her hands on her hips ad stared me down, or at least tried to, I cracked a small smile and she immediately dropped her badass stance. I have a sister who loves me more than anything in this world and I love her too. My mornings would be cold, dull and damp without my rebellious younger sister. She is practically my mother in all aspects and she's the only human being who can order me around and still be breathing the next moment, excluding my father.

That brings me back to reality, My father was coming back from Brazil today, after 3 months and we're going to host a party, partly for his return to his kingdom (South Korea), mostly for successfully taming 50% of the drug lords in Brazil and of course, We'll have to meet him before the party.

After 30 minutes, I walk down the halls of our mansion, wearing a white t-shirt and ripped blue jeans. I can care less about what they think of me. I suck in a deep breath before I motion the butler to open the oak doors leading to the dining room because my father isn't the only person who sat in that dining hall.

I walked in, "Jungkook-ah", I heard my father start, my brown eyes snapped up to his old and experienced ones "Yes father?" I replied in a flat tone. Dead silence. I heard the door open again and saw a smaller frame stand next to mine. "and Lisa, Take a seat, it's been a long time". I sat as far away as I could and had Lisa within my reach. I drew in a deep breath and Lisa momentarily cast a worried glance at me before turning to smile widely at our father.

I never understood why Lisa loved him that much, that man would be last person I'd love in this entire universe. The things he's done is simply something which I could never come to terms with. Lisa started "Appa! I missed you so much!", The said man smiled widely, a very rare and fake sight to see, he opened his arms and Lisa hugged him, the rage I felt when I saw my sister hugging him can scorch the amazons. I decided to calm down and just keep a straight face and a blank mind.

"Oh Lisa, appa missed his sweet daughter too", I internally puked. "Are the things I've been hearing true Lisa?" the man spoke, "Yes appa, I've started going on solo missions, I had a hard time getting that tough kookie to agree but my ayego has it's perks" Lisa was happy, I can feel her happiness radiating through that smile of hers. The doors opened again and I groaned, He's the last person I'd want to see at this moment but it's inevitable isn't it?. I didn't even glance in Jung-hyun's direction, I'm not acknowledging his presence in the room. 'Fuck you Jung-hyun'  I thought.

Jung-hyun walked in with so much ease, He threw a smile at Lisa and I could've sworn that he actually smiled but hey, we're speaking about Jung-hyun here, I'm pretty sure that he'll never smile genuinely. "Lisa you little brat, all grown up now are you?" He cocked his head to his side, his red locks swaying with the movement. Lisa pouted "That doesn't mean you stop buying me what I want but it does mean that you should stop breaking the jaws and necks of the men and women who hit on me Jung-hyun, you big meanie" and he let out a breathy laugh. I pinched myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

Ice and Warmth. (Taekook/Vkook)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon