VIII. The model's story

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An early update cuz I have my exams now and I won't be coming on tomorrow. 


Now enjoy!!!


Kim Seokjin pov

'Ting ting'  The small bell above the door of the cafe rang, I walked in and took a seat. My eyes never left the menu, everything looked so good. 'I should've started that eating program and called it Eat Jin, dammit' I thought as I skimmed through the menu again. Engrossed in my thoughts, I failed to notice the person standing in front of me.

"Would you like to order something sir?" A deep and smooth voice came, my eyebrows shot up and I replied "Ah-ah yes, I'd like to have an Irish coffee, brownies combined with vanilla ice cream, a mini- pepperoni cheese burst pizza and garlic bread". The person's thick lips were slightly parted, 'Wait, Seokjin-ahh! you pabo, get your thoughts STRAIGHT'

I read his name tag, 'Pornesian Parappio'.

'What the hell?'.  "Sure sir, your order will be here in 10 minutes", he began to walk away. "Excuse me?" I called out, 'Seokjin, shut up, no no no, shut up, but Pornesian Parappio sounds like some dish..Isn't he a full course meal himself? Look at him, wait, no no no no, DONT DO IT BISH' I ignored my inner voice and spoke "Pornesian Parappio?"

That amused and confused expression he gave me made my day. "Um- Well my, um-" He spoke as he scratched the back of his head, he stopped and gave me an embarrassed smile and two dimples appeared. The next thing I know, I'm standing in front of him. I just poked his dimples.

 My eyes widened, 'Oh shit' ,  "I'm sorry porn-, I mean pornesi-" and he burst out laughing. I cooled down a bit, "No problem sir, this is the first time a guy poked my dimples though, haha" 

He smiled again and my brain melted. I offered him a small smile and went back to my seat. 'Seokjin, you better STOP'  My inner self screamed. Geez, 'But..are we straight?', Now that, is a very valid question, I don't know the answer myself. Nevertheless, 'I found him cute, such a deep voice and manly face but a total cutie'. What am I even thinking, I'm a model, I have a whole life in front of me and I definitely cannot be gay.

Being gay will be a disaster for my career, a career built on my blood, sweat and tears. All those hard times cannot be compromised, I've worked my soul, my soul off for this, I definitely cannot give up now, nothing should come in my way. The main purpose of this break is so that I can recharge and go back fresh, do new concepts, accept that acting offer and become an actor. Being an artist was my main goal, starting out as a model sounded like a good idea to me, My mom herself is a beauty pageant, the modelling genes are ingrained in me. 

The light sound of porcelain knocking against the wooden table snapped my out of my thoughts, Pornesian Parappio was back with my order. I slightly nodded my head and he placed the rest of the eatables down 'He himself should be on the table because he is one', My inner self never shuts up, always comes up with the worst things at the worst timing. 

"Enjoy your food sir" he chirped and his eyes gleamed as it caught on to one of my books lying on the table, Demian. I've already read this book a hundred times but I wanted to buy it so I did but Pornesian seems very interested. "This is great book sir, it is hard to find books like this these days. I read it when it first came out, the book has such great depth", his eyes were still gleaming.

"My name is Seokjin, you can call me jin"

"Oh-oh okay", In the next fraction of the second, his eyes were scanning my face and the next second, his fist covered his thick lips. "I knew that I've seen you somewhere hyung!, I just met a celebrity, wow, I can't wait to tell kook" He flashed me a genuine smile which I returned. "Don't worry hyung, I won't breathe out another word about this, it's our small secret" He winked.

Ice and Warmth. (Taekook/Vkook)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora