XVII. Beginnings

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Blonde Namjoon will be the death of me. For fuck's sake! 10000% bias wrecked. The song is a bop though, he even called them haters out for "But Namjoon", like, hell yeah! That's our president bitches. 


Kim SeokJin pov

I was lying on my bed, bored out of my wits. Maybe I should go to Jimin, that boy was very nice, I wanted to meet his room mate too, he is a mystery. I've heard the nurses speak about him, he's apparently very handsome and the nurses love his voice. He doesn't speak often, much to their disappointment.

Handsome, They called me that when I was at the peak of my career.

Fat, ugly, faggot, They called me that when the pictures were leaked. 

I'm that ugly now, maybe that's why Namjoon left me. I'm fat and ugly, my friends in high school told me that I ate like a pig and my body would end up blown out of proportion one day and they were right. 

I don't want it, I don't want the thing which caused me so much pain, I don't want the thing which made the love of my life leave me, the thing which made the entertainment industry and the world deem me ugly. I don't want that plate of food sitting on my desk.

The aroma of it made me want to throw my guts up. I looked at the pair of pills next to it, they looked more appetizing than the plate of food there. I had to eat it up before Rose came and so I did what I usually do, I took the plate of food to the flowerpot, dug a small hole, buried the food inside it and repeated the same with the other 3 pots I had. 

I grew 3 different flowers, Red carnations, Pink carnations and lilacs. Each of them held their own special meaning, the red carnation meant that my heart is still aching, the pink carnation means that I'll never forget you and the lilacs meant the joy of youth. 

I patted down on the soil to hide any traces of the burial. Walking upto the table, I gulped down the pills and chugged the glass of water. I'm functioning normally thanks to those tablets, I'd be bed-ridden otherwise. 

Knock Knock 

"Come in" I responded, Rose walked in and saw my empty plate. "You've been eating all of your food for the past few weeks, you're getting better Jin oppa" She beamed at me and I smiled back. I felt bad for tricking her but I really hate the sight of food. 

"By the way, the doctor said that you've lost 3 kilos compared to last month, It's a good thing that you're eating properly, your weight will come back to normal oppa" Rose said as she picked up the tray and walked towards the door, I simply nodded. She waved at me and I waved back.

Knowing that I've lost weight feels great, my spirit felt lifted. I let out a content sigh as I fell back on my bed. Might as well go and check on Jimin and his room mate. I hopped out of my bed and went downstairs.

Park Jimin pov 

 On the say of the check-up, which was almost a week back, Jungkook and Taehyung had come back during dinner time, that was quite late, I wonder if a check up takes that much of time. Taehyung seemed to be in a better mood ever since, he was disturbed when he was sleeping last night and said many things but I was half asleep so I don't remember what he said. 

'Might as well try talking to him, can't stay quiet forever. Maybe he'll like me and we can be friends and maybe leave this asylum together one day', I like to dream about nice things, happy endings and a gay future. 

By gay future, I mean a happy future. Plus, since you guys don't know yet, I'm gay. Yep. Taehyung isn't my type of man though but hey, I have a feeling that we'll be great friends once we get to know each other. 

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