XX. Behind the mask

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I saw something about the Taekook separation happening again and now I'm scared. 


Jeon Jungkook pov

I left the hospital and drove back home, I had other things to care of. I can't spend my life caring about boys in an asylum. I'm so close, so close to starting what I always wanted and I will not let it slip away because of a stranger. 

I ran into my apartment, grabbed everything, sent out a text to Hoseok, changed into black clothes and grabbed my mask. It's showtime bitches. 

Solar spreads it's wings today

I quickly exited the apartment complex and walked 7 blocks away from my place, I took the first right. I walked down 5 blocks, took a second right, I saw something move through the corner of my eyes. 3 blocks and the third right. 1 block and the fourth right and the shadow was still there. 

I smirked 'Perfect' , I was being trailed. 

I put on my mask, strapped it tightly so that it wont fall off in case of combat. This man must be from the Jeon mafia, no doubt there. Seeing THE Jeon Jungkook in all black would've alerted him, guess that I shouldn't walk down a few streets clad in black. 

Increasing my pace, I slowly pulled the out of my black jacket, I took another turn and jumped out at his direction, my lips pulled back, the adrenaline coursing in my veins, I pulled the trigger. 


The man fell onto the concrete lifelessly. "Going at it so carelessly, where is your professionalism?" 

I whipped around instantly and pointed the gun at the direction of the voice. It was the hyungs, I relaxed and tucked the gun into the waistband of my jeans. "Let's go kook!" Hoseok said, isn't he too cheery after seeing a man getting his brains blown out in broad daylight, welp.

I entered the dark gray van to find Yoongi sitting on the seat cross legged, he was cleaning the guns. "Hello hyung" 

"Ah, Jungkook. I got a few mission requests already" Yoongi said 

Namjoon was surprised, "Really hyung? That's great". Meanwhile, Hoseok was muttering about how the mask was too stuffy for him. "Jungkook, we need to ventilate these masks, it's too stuffy. The humidity will ruin my skin tone" 

The three of us shot him a glare. "What? You all don't buy masks and wear them from the supermarket, you don't even moisturize. I make lots of effort to take care of my skin" Hoseok huffed. 

Namjoon snorted and Yoongi wasn't very pleased. I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my lips, it's good to be back. "The first mission would be-" Yoongi started, I looked at him warily, he flashed me a tight lipped smile. 

"We have to kill Ashley, the daughter of Rize.Inc's CEO" 

As Yoongi fed us with all the information, the gears in my head turned. Rize.Inc's rivals want Ashley dead because she was going to get married to a politician's son, if this alliance is successful, the influence of Rize.Inc will increase by several folds throughout Seoul. 

They don't want to mess with politician's son because it's more risky and they might be planning to marry off their own daughters to him. We are all hungry for power here.

Simple task. All we have to do is kill a girl but she has strong security, she is a rich man's daughter after all. We'd have to learn about her daily activities, friends, likes and interests, anything can help us lure her into our trap. 

Ice and Warmth. (Taekook/Vkook)Where stories live. Discover now