XII. Comfort

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Park Jimin pov

As the story progressed, it was warm, it had a buttery feeling which I once experienced with a certain person. I heard Jin draw in a deep breath, his face was flushed, water lining his charcoal orbs, he was shaking. "Hyung!", I leaped from my chair, I instantly sat down next to him and slotted my short arm over his broad shoulders. 

Rubbing circles on his back to sooth him, I slowly asked him, "What is it hyung? You can always tell me, I'm right here but if you don't want to, I understand that too, everyone needs space and you aren't any different"

Jin hiccuped, "The-then, when I was about to return to work, all of our pic-pictures were leaked. Nam-Namjoon apparently re-released them, my father and I lodged a complaint but it's of no use, there are no traces of h-his existence. He disappeared wi-without a trace", He sobbed harder and all I could do was sit next to him and hope that I'm providing some comfort to him.

'How can one person be so horrible? How can he do this to Jin hyung?', I felt my anger build up, which is not a good thing. I started taking deep breaths, counting from 1 to 10 , slowly. This small method always calms me down. 'I guess that the world is full of assholes', my story isn't as hard hitting as hyung's but it was humiliating, it was humiliating to such an extent that I-

"Jimin, am I at fault? I loved him with all my heart", Jin's body shook from all the pain he was experiencing, "I-I still do and I hate myself for that. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't speak when he left me like this.."

Jin's charcoal eyes glistened with tears again. "He-he could've told me if I wasn't good enough, I'm sorry for not being enough for you to love, Joonie", He wailed. "The entire world hurled homophobic comments at me, they pelted stones at my house, called me fat and ugly for gaining weight, the world was so cruel" Jin's body shook from the emotional trauma.

I pulled him into a hug, not a tight one but a loose, comfortable hug. We stayed like that for a long time until Jin's breathing evened out and pulled away. "Don't look at me like that Jimin-ah, I hate being pitied, this is why I never tell anyone about this, M-", I raised my hand up to stop him from speaking. He just relived the pain which he crossed an year back, I don't expect him to be normal, he should be a bit jumpy and he should ramble things.

I'm a bit observant, I can see many things in a person's eyes because life has taught me how to, I don't exactly know how I do this, but I can. "Hyung, I'm not pitying you, I just feel sad that someone had the heart to for such a thing. The world is full of assholes, cunning humans who wait for the opportunity to push you down so that they can climb and go ahead of you. Some even derive comfort out of your pain." I maintained eye contact throughout my mini-speech.

Jin slowly nodded, "Jimin-ah, I know that you're younger than me but I guess that you're mentally a grandpa", I snorted. "Hyung!" and Jin steadily gave me a small smile. I removed my arm from his shoulders and stretched. My joints clicked and clacked, popping into their sockets, my neck popped pretty loudly, "Jimin-ah, where's your room?". I sat down on the bed to face him again.

"It's on the second floor hyung, room number 136", Jin's eyes widened as his mouth formed an 'oh' simultaneously. "Is something wrong hyung?" and he looked like he was having an internal debate, "Is your roommate back yet?" he asked and I shook my head. He hummed.

"Hyung, tell me please, I hate suspense", Jin gave an innocent smile which contrasted his sinister expression. "No Jimin-ah, I'll have fun watching you suffer". I pouted, Jin reached out to pull at my cheeks, I swatted his hands away and he pretended like he was hurt.

"We should go eat lunch hyung, It's getting pretty late" I said as I glanced at the clock, 01:30PM. Both of us headed off to the cafeteria.

On our way there, I was thinking back on his story. A cafe on top of a library sounded very familiar but it couldn't be. Besides, why would some high profile celebrity like Jin go to a small cafe. Re cafe was good, never going to deny it, they offered a decent pay and good working hours, they never pressured me to do over time but I've never heard of pornesian parappio, neither have I heard of Namjoon.

Ice and Warmth. (Taekook/Vkook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz