XXI. Encounters pt.1

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Kim Namjoon pov

I let out a huff as in entered the the room, Yoongi and Hoseok looked at me. My mind was racing with possibilities, why did the Jeon mafia target the hospital? What would be so valuable there? 

I sat down on a chair and look up at both if them, "I think that we've got a situation here". 

As I explained, Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "So you're saying that the Jeon mafia wants something from that hospital but we don't know what it is", I nodded. 

"They're being cautious here, they don't want to draw attention to themselves so they're sending Lisa in for the first stage. She's probably going to mark all the possible entrances and exits and maybe, she might look around a bit. I mean, her girlfriend works there. We should pass this information on to Jungkook as soon as possible". Yoongi and Hoseok agreed. 

"Hey guys" Hoseok started, "If it's only Lisa going in there, why don't we tag along? Nobody else from the Jeon mafia will be there, if all of us go then it'd be easier to find out what they want". 

"It can be a risk though, who knows where our men would be positioned" Yoongi said.

Hoseok flashed us a blinding smile, "I'll take care of that, leave it to me" 

I sighed for the bazillionth time today, "Alright, be careful. Nothing should be left out or we're toast" 

Hoseok sent a salute my way before he left. 

I wonder where this is going to lead us. 

Jeon Jungkook pov 

If you're wondering what happened to our Halsey kidnap and kill plan, well, it got postponed because the heiress decided to fly off to Morocco, for a whole week. I hate it when our plans get disturbed because these stupid targets do something off the top. 

I shook my head as I walked into the hospital. It's been a week already, time flies huh? 

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I changed into my uniform, 'I should've checked on Taehyung atleast once. He fucking collapsed and I just shook him off', my train of guilty thoughts didn't stop as I stepped out of the room. 

I would be lying if I say that I never thought about him, every time I remember him, I shake it off. I was a selfish bastard and now it's time to make it up. Taehyung might be mad for all I know and he has every right to be. 

Maybe he'd throw a plate or his pillow at my face, maybe he'd just ignore me. I frowned at the last thought, I'd rather have him beat me up bloody than ignore me. 'Isn't it better if he ignores you though?' My mind voiced. 

I blinked. Why would that be any goo-, oh. It'd be very helpful if he just ignores me to be honest, then I won't have to worry about him getting in my way when I'm busy with solar. 

'Ignore him, don't talk to him, don't smile, overall, just don't be nice', I heeded to my mind's suggestions and chose to follow them. 

Knock knock  

"Come in" 

I opened the door to find Taehyung gazing out of the window, he turned around and froze. His lips parted and his face was unreadable. 

"Did you take your tablets?", he just kept looking at me. I glanced over the desk near his bed, he'd eaten his food and the pills are gone, good. Less work for me. 

I answered my own question, "I guess that you did, good", I picked up the tray and proceeded to walk towards the door. 

"Okay then, I'll bring in your lunc-" I turned around to face him and saw his eyes well up with tears that threatened to spill. His face flushed, hands fisted, he was shaking like a leaf. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. I felt a huge weight settle down on my chest as I said, "See you later, Taehyung" and walked out with a straight face. 

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