party- grayson

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warning: mentions of sexual assault. also major fluff.

graysons pov:

i hate parties, especially la ones. ethan forced me to go however once he heard that emma would be there. that boy is fucking whipped.

i sipped on my water, avoiding alcohol for the night. i decided to find a bathroom to get away from the commotion. as i neared an upstairs bathroom, i heard muffled cries. what the fuck?

i opened the door and my blood boiled. jake paul had a girl practically shrieking for help. he drunkenly held her, as if she was a fucking piece of property. red clouded my vision. i pried him off of her and with one punch square in the face, the bastard was out cold.

the girl sank to her knee's, and i quickly rushed to her side. she flinched when i lightly touched her arms, so i pulled away.

"are you o-okay?" i stuttered

in between sobs, she spoke.

"y-yes, i think so," she whispered

" where are your friends?" i questioned.

"i- i don't know. emma and ellie left me." she replied.

"emma? as in emma chamberlain?" i asked

she finally met my gaze. holy shit her eyes. one was blue and the other was a warm green.

" yes?" she answered.

"i know her. i'm grayson." i held out my hand for her. she tentatively took it in her smaller one and gave it a light shake, obviously still shaken up.

"god i'm stupid i should have recognized you." she said "thank you.. for saving me."

"i wouldn't hesitate to do it again."

she broke out into the most beautiful smile. my heart soared. wtf is happening to me. i just met this girl.

"i'm hannah by the way."

" sorry we had to meet this way. do you want me to take you home? o-or i don't know. sorry if that made you uncomfortable, especially after what just happened."

"no no grayson, that is really sweet of you. thank you."

"ok. let's get you home." i smiled back at her and held out my hand once more. i pulled her off the tiled floorand wrapped her into a warm hug.

" is this o-okay?" i questioned, nervous that i would scare her off. i know how important consent is, even if it's as small as a hug.

" of course. god thank you." her voice cracked little bit, pain evident in her tone.

she sighed into my embrace. i ran my fingers up and down her back to try and calm her down.

she hugged back tightly. butterflies swarmed both of their stomachs. after a long hug, they quickly exited the party. grayson's hand softly holding hannah's. she sent ellie and emma a text reassuring them that she was okay, and that she would explain in the morning.

grayson looked over at the girl next to him.    those damn eyes looked back at him shyly. she turned up the radio and they began to jam out to throwback songs, the horrible events of that night momentarily forgotten. his hand lazily found it's way into hers, trying to comfort her. she gripped back tightly, tears threatening to spill over.

he pulled into emma's driveway, and she began to sob once more. his eyes were full of worry and regret. i should have been there, he thought.

hannah's pov:

he ran out of his side of the car and opened the passenger door, where hannah lay, curled up in a ball. he then held the broken girl in a hug.

she sobbed into his broad shoulder. his hands found their way to her hair. he soothingly ran his fingers through it, hoping it would help her relax even for a second.

"you're going to be okay... i promise," he whispered into her ear.

"gray..son?" she said in between sobs. "i-i don't know what to do. every time i close my eyes i see...him."

" you shouldn't be alone right now." he stated, waiting for her reply. she understood what he was implying. she nodded her head and he drove out of emma's driveway, carefully making his way to his house.

he pulled into the driveway, made his way over to the passenger side of his jade bronco, and lightly shook hannah awake. she mumbled incoherently, tears staining her face. her eyes met his.

she wrapped her arms around his neck, and locked her legs around his waist. he carried her inside, and set her down on his clean sheets. he then gave her some sweats and a tee shirt. she gratefully accepted them, peeling off the clothes as he grabbed her some water. i feel so disgusting.

he returned with her water. she had already climbed into his bed. but she couldn't fall asleep. she kept seeing his face in her brain, the boy that hurt her.

"gra-y? she managed to get out without crying. "can you stay here? just until i fall asleep."

he nodded. he then climbed onto the bed, not bothering to get under the covers. she stared at him. he stared back. he reached forward to wipe away some tears with her thumb.

she let him, not flinching from his delicate touch. she didn't want to admit it... but he made her feel oddly safe. she drifted off to sleep. thoughts swarmed with grayson and his kindness.

little did she know he was thinking the same thing.

a/n: i hope you like this so far. vote for the next chapter!

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